Agoraphilia (Trial #2)

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"This definitely couldn't be more romantic when you think about it," Steven laughed at a red faced Connie when he read the next one off of the list.

"I still can't believe we're going alphabetically. I love you, have I told you I love you?" She cupped his face and watched it turn red.

He stole a kiss and pulled back. "It's like I unlocked something in you." He was so quiet in his observation when he stole another one. "There's nothing I love more than making you happy."

She climbed up onto the counter to be closer to eye level as she held his hands. "You've made me this happy since the day, the hour, we met. I guess... you could say you just unlocked the box where I store what I consider to be excess affection."

The reassurance softened his eyes. "Good. Wanna go to your favorite flower field and do it, or are we talking public public? I have no qualms about railing you in the middle of the boardwalk." He grinned when she pantomimed smacking him across the face, sweet fingers coming into contact to lightly push his head aside.

"Flower field sounds like pollen, which sounds like you sneezing on me," She giggled. "Do you have your claritin?"

"It's baffling that my powers don't just fix my allergies to certain stuff. I'm okay with most flowers now though, I mostly grew out of it and... I haven't used claritin in almost 3 years." His nose rubbed against her goofily. "You're not supposed to worry, let me worry."

She let her head hang to the side and whined, "Oh, but it's my favorite thing to do! I want to make sure you have a fair chance of enjoying yourself too!"

"Connie, any chance I can have to so much as make you crack a smile at a pun is enjoyment for me. The fact that we breathe the same air is baffling to no extent!" He tickled at her hips with his right hand, snaking it back around to hold her in place. "You're so beautiful I started working out in preparation for the day some dumbass tries to so much as make a dirty joke at a party!"

"Okay, okay!" She cried and shoved his hands away. "But still..."

"Okay let me rephrase: anytime I get pussy in any way is a good time." He laughed at her sultry shrug of acknowledgment.

"Gosh I do forget about the pussy you swear whispers the way to Hell." His hands caught hers and pressed her against him, leaning his hands back.

They turned into diamonds for a split second. "If I'm going to Hell because of your cat, then that's that."

She threw her head back in a belly laugh, "Was that supposed to rhyme?"

"I'm a musician, everything is supposed to rhyme." He spent the next two minutes rhyming until she was clutching at her sides at his silliness.

It wasn't until she came out of the bathroom that he had calmed down, resting his head on the arm of the chair like a puppy.


"Hey." Oh, she knew that voice.

She squatted in front of him, kissing his nose. "There are no available representatives who can take your call, please leave a message."

He chuckled, shrugging as he did his best sexy businesses man voice. "Hello, Connie Maheswaren, this is Steven Universe. I was just calling to warn you of the impending danger of you getting fucked in a flower field in the next half an hour. If you could give me a call back? Well, that'd just be swell."

They giggled as he shot up to grab her and just barely missed.

"I'll race you there!" Connie was jovial having such a huge acreage to themselves that they had such amenities.

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