Androgynous Boyfriend

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His eyes immediately snapped up from his phone to take in Connie's face, because that voice? It was trouble. "You have my attention. Don't tell me you're dying to dom me again." She blushed and he winked at her, causing it to turn darker. That wasn't it then.

"Shut up. No," She stood straighter. "I, uhm, I saw this really cute outfit online and–,"

He got excited immediately, the golden retriever he was. "You're gonna do a fashion show for me?"

She snorted. "Well... not exactly."

She had officially lured him away from the couch and toward the bedroom. There was no end to the curiousity this woman provoked out of him, and every little moment she seemed to become more interesting.

In a way, he was right. It was a fashion show. But not for her.

Connie stood back as Steven eyed the outfit, noticing its fashionable appearance in the back of his mind. It was cute, very cute, but something he'd never have caught his Connie wearing and it was way too big for her anyhow. He glanced at her, anticipation written on her face, and then back at the outfit. "So, you're telling me you want me to put this on?"

"Yes," She squeaked. God, she was adorable, and more than that she had nothing to worry about.

Steven Universe was a bit of a mixed bag appearance wise. His broad shoulders and arms were masculine, but his hands though big were feminine. His hair, curly and beautiful, was ambiguous. Feminine eyes and thick long lashes, masculine scruff, masculine stance and feminine grace. He could turn one on as easily as the other, and had zero problems with wearing a skirt or a dress.

Needless to say, booty shorts and a pink and white sweater top with long sleeves was nothing strange to him. It was strange, however, Connie's obvious excitement. "What's the catch?"

She fiddled with her robe thoughtfully. "Date night."

"In this?"

"Uh huh." She nodded a bit too eagerly and he chuckled.

In quite possibly the most provocative action she'd ever seen, he snatched the top off of the bed. "You're going to be all over me as soon as I put this on, aren't you?"

"After our date night, absolutely. Quit stalling. I'm going to grab a drink." She gave him a suspicious little look and tightened her robe around herself. "Hurry."

Looking in the mirror, Steven couldn't help his laugh. It was certainly feminine with her sizing it up a bit so it would hang looser, and the shorts hugged all the right places. He felt pretty as he pinned his hair up into a bun with a familiar star band. "Monsieur l'Univers, vous avez l'air assez bon pour manger [Mister Universe, you look good enough to eat]."

Strangely, he was a little nervous to show off to Connie. A split second of anxiety about her ending up not liking it on him was quickly shoved down as he forced himself to open the door. His gaze dropped to hers and then lower to take in what she had apparently been hiding under her robe.

She donned a white undershirt that hugged her shoulders and over that, maternity skirt overalls in a perfectly matching pink and white. She was angelic in every way, and he told her that.

"Holy shit, you're so hot," She giggled as she tore her gaze away from him.

"What, I wasn't hot before?" He pouted, pulling her close and closing the door behind him. "You put us in matching outfits. You're so shmaltzy."

She gagged and swatted his chest playfully. "Don't start. Every time I tell you you're hot, clothes start coming off."

His laughter echoed around the house. "Every time I so much as breathe the wrong way clothes start coming off. Do... do you like it though?"

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