Keraunophilia (Trial #12)

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"Oh, Ni~!"

She glanced up from her book and observed her lover somehow soaked from head to toe with a wild look in his eye. "Yes? Why are you so wet?"

She was answered immediately, not by him, but by a rolling noise in the sky that made her eyes widen and his smirk grow. "I was thinking about it. It's so funny, as teens you'd always get all cuddly and extra touchy during storms. If only I'd known," He sighed wistfully.

"If only," She agreed solemnly. "I feel like a lot of your stress and problems could've been solved by therapy and afterglow."

"Fucking half parents," He muttered. "Anyways... I'm going to go dry off."

She set her book down, silently cursing herself for not bookmarking the page and bit her lip. "Can I dry you off instead?"

He cupped a hand around his ear and tipped his head. "I'm sorry? I think the thunder cut you off."

Connie leapt up, feet on the couch like a bad girl and asked again, much louder and finishing off with, "Unless you'd like to stay wet. Less work for you later."

He smiled dazzlingly and shoved his hands in his pockets as she walked up to him and rested her chin on his chest. "I suppose," A kiss. "It wouldn't make sense to dry off," Another, slightly deeper kiss. "If you're just going to get me wet all over again." He hadn't meant for so much of his lust to be evident but the gravel in his voice made her physically melt into him a bit.

"If it wasn't so dangerous, I'd almost propose we do it outside. But that's crazy." She waved a dismissive hand in the air and turned away. It was rather insane to even be aroused by the heavy rain and soothing crashes and rumbles. It was more insane to want to have sex, outside, during said weather.

Lifting Connie was not an effort. She could've been six times her weight and it would not have been an effort, and even if she was he'd still be carrying her towards the balcony overlooking the beach.

"What are you doing?!" She squeaked and tried to push a blush from her face with her palm. "I-I said it was crazy!"

"Connie, we have reached so far past crazy that these feel more like adventures. And I'm always down for another adventure with you." When she buried her face in his neck he chuckled and moved her over to his side so she was braced with one hand and her legs wrapped around him. He paused and glanced down at her, a blush of his own rising up. "I... I really like holding you like this."

He ignored the smirk and snatched a blanket and pillow off of the couch as he passed.

"I swear you're becoming Daddy Dom soft with me sometimes, Steven Universe. There's more things trapped in your brain too."

He grinned. "Of course I'm going to be a great dad... hopefully anyways."

She giggled at the blissful oblivion he lived in and nodded. "Yeah, that too."

"Wait, was that another kink thing?" His cheeks burned and she finally let loose a sighing laugh at him. "Come on, I'm not an expert." Steven shouldered the door open and hummed at the warm, buzzing air of incoming storm.

Connie's teasing ceased as he set her down and situated the blanket on the table they ate on when they wanted to be outside for meals. "Steven, don't you worry we could get struck by lightning?"

"I'm pretty sure when I was a kid I saw Garnet get struck by lighting, and she was fine. My shield and bubble are made of the same thing so I can safely assume hard light isn't conductive. More than that, the air will smell metallic and our hair will stand up on end if there's an oncoming strike. It'll trip my bubble without me even thinking about it."

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