Chapter 1

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" Gwen! Dinners ready dear!" My mother called from downstairs. I signed. I've been having dinner in my room or skip it for the past week now. Studying for tests, and Finals coming up for High school.

" Gwen?! Are you coming or what?" She yelled up the stairs. " Um Yeah mom in coming!" I yelled back as I cleaned up the mess I made.
I should really get after my Dad to put in AC.

I run down the stairs, seeing my family already eating. I sigh.
" Look who came down." I heard my brother mumble.
" Shut up." I snapped as I grabbed a plate and filled it.
" You don't even know how much stress I'm in right now so your lucky your seeing me."

My parents looked at me, but shrugged it off. We ate in silence, hearing the clatter of silverware. As I finished up, I told mom I would do the dishes. Everyone piled up their dishes and left me alone to wash. I put up my short blonde hair and got to work. When I had 2 plates left, my cell vibrated next to me.

" Harry? What does he want?" I dried off my hands and answered. " Harry? What are you up to?"
" Hey Gweny, are you able to come by Oscorp?"
I rolled my eyes. Harry has always been trying to get me to date him but I wasn't never interested. He's also tried to get Mary Jane, my best friend.

" I don't know Harry... I'm studying for my Finals..." I said smiling. I love to hear the stuff he makes up. " Oh come on, be bad for once." He said with a chuckle. My mother was standing in the door way of the kitchen. " Fine. But I swear Harry if you try anything you dead." I said. " Sure sure Gweny. See ya soon." And he hung up.

" Going to Harry's?" She asked as I put my phone in my pocket. " Yeah I think he needs help in the lab." I mumbled.
" Well be home by 9. Be safe Gwendolyn. " and she kissed my cheek.

*Harry's Pov*

"Gwen's coming. " I whispered to myself with a smirk. I had to get presentable. I picked out a grey silk dress shirt with my black dress pants. Right on time, I heard the elevator doors open. I walked out of my room, a grin hung on my lips.

" Ah Gwen. How are you?" She half smiled. " I'm tired. Why are you all dressed up at 7 pm?" I nervously chuckled.
" I gotta look my best for a pretty girl." A flash of red fled across her face but faded.
" So, I needed your help with the new project I'm working on." I said, leading her to the lab.

" What's are you working on?"
" Have you've seen Spiderman?" I said, gritting my teeth. She shifted. " ..Um yeah? What about him?"
I smiled deeply. " Well, I found a way to get his powers. I know his secret." Her eyes widened. " Let's just say, he's a good friend. He was exposed to Radioactive Spiders my father had here at Oscorp. Bitten by one Tony spider"

She stepped close to the cage. She looked at all the spiders, bouncing around. "And now, I can have his incredible powers."

* Gwen's Pov*

Harry was fucking insane. He sounded like a mad scientist. He really wants to be like Spiderman? Spider-Man didn't just happily take his powers. They were giving, as a huge responsibility. Not some war machine.

" Harry, listen to yourself. That's insane! Those powers are his only. His responsibility. Just don't do this Harry it's nuts." I said shaking my head. He stared at me, like I was his target. " Is that how you think Gwendolyn? That I'm insane for wanting to help out with that guy?" His voice was rising. I needed to leave.

I turned to run, but that got him even more mad. He's been drinking again. " Well maybe you should talk the responsibility!!" He shouted as he dropped a spider on me. I screamed, trying to kill it. But I felt a bite. "HARRY, WHAT THE HELL ?!" I shouted as he picked up the spider. I was dizzy, everything spinning. I had to get home.

I tried stumbling to the elevator, thankfully I made it. What did he do to me? I was bitten by one of Spider-mans spiders. Would I be just like him? Or some horrible mutation?

Spider Gwen: A Twist in the WebWhere stories live. Discover now