Chapter 17

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Chapter 17
* Gwen*

I wake up, and sat up. This wasn't my room. Not my bed. Not my house!!! Where am I?!
I jumped up and looked around.
Must belong to some rich family... It was greatly decorated, fancy furniture and everything.

I ran to the door and stopped in front of the mirror. I was still in my PJs, my coat on a coat rack. Who took me? And why? I opened the big door and carefully peeked my head out to see if anyone was in the hallway. No one. I ran back in and saw my coat draped on the chair. I'm so glad I had my new suit in there. I went Into the bedroom bathroom and locked the door. My, Spider Sense, as Peter called his, was going crazy and I got some bad vibes from this place.  I put my suit on and left the bathroom.

I tried to find my phone but, it wasn't in my coat.  " Damnitt." I said to myself. I stepped out to the hallway carefully. No one was around and it was weird. I pulled up the mask and found my way downstairs. Why was I here? Who or what brought me here? I needed to find out and leave. I saw the front door and looked one last time. No one. I reached for the knob when someone attacked me.  It was Harry Osborne. He threw a punch but I dodged it, kicking him in the legs and knocking him down.  " Harry." I said squatting down to his level and webbing his Hands and ankles together so he can't leave.  " Why am I here Harry? What do you want ?!"   Harry smirked.   " I kinda thought I'd be the one having you tied up." He smirked.  I got up and kicked him hard in the stomach. 

I pulled him up and tied him with more webbing to a chair.  " I love your costume Gwen. It really... Hugs your body right."   I got right In his face.  " Say one more word and I will-"   I was cutoff.    " Gwendolyn Stacey. It's such a honor to finally meet you."  A heavy German accent said.  I spun around to be met with a short German man, a Tall girl possibly my age and.. WADE??   " Wade? What the hell?! I thought.. I thought you were good! I thought you were my friend."   He didn't look at me, but his face was hard to read.  " Mr. Wilson is a wonderful mercenary. He in fact brought you here for me isn't that lovely?"  The German man asked.  Wade looked at me with a lot of sadness in his eyes. I glared at him.  " You're a freak." I spat and gave him the bird.

" Whoa now. No such hand gestures from a growing young lady. Do you know who I am Gwendolyn?"  The short man asked, stepping closer to me.  "No, I don't."  I gritted my teeth.  He smiled up at me.  " Armin Zola in the flesh."  My heart stopped.  This was him. The man that killed my father. The man that sent all these girls after me. This man wants me for his own sick little army.  " You?" I chuckled.  The tall girl glared at me. Armin looked at me with anger in his eyes.  " This... You can't be the man that basically fueled World War 2 with Captain America... You couldn't have killed my fucking father!!" I spat, tears welling in my eyes.  I lunged at him but Wade caught me.

Cried and screamed, thrashing my arms and legs. I couldn't breathe.  Why was all of this happening to me? I never asked for this. But I know who did this to me. Harry.
"LET GO WADE. I want to... I wanna talk to Harry."  Wade and Armin exchanged glances.  Wade let me go. I walked over to Harry. He smirked at me. I wanted to kill him, so bad. I got a sudden, urge and I lunged at Harry, choking him.   " You Bastard!! You made me into this, this, I don't know! You ruined my life and everyone else's around me!!" I screamed.   " GWEN!"  I heard Peter yell but he sounded far away.  I didn't want to let go. But I heard yelling and fighting. I let go of Harry's throat and began to cry. I couldn't kill him. I've known Harry forever. Yes he did this to me but I can't change who I've become. I have to control my new given powers. And save my family and friends.

Armin and Wade were gone. I stood up and saw that the girl had Peter.  " Hey bean stock."  I called to her. She looked down at me with the same glare she's been giving me.   " Let go of my boyfriend."  I said lowly.   " Why? He's pretty hot if you ask me." She sneered.  " You Bitch."  I said as she threw him across the room, smashing into a plant.  " Peter!!" I screamed, rushing to his side.  " I'm ok Gwen, you go stop her while I go find Wade."  I lifted up my mask and kissed him for a few seconds.  " Be careful."
" You too."    He got up but the girl pushed him back down.  " Aw aren't you two so sweet. Makes me sick."  She chuckled.  " Hey, let him go. You wanna fight? Lets fight."  I said.  " Aw look you, being a big girl now wanting to fight. But sure, let's see what you got."  She let the force she used to hold Peter down go. He ran off to find Wade.

*Peter's Pov *

I hope Gwen can handle that girl. But I had to find Wade. I pulled my mask up to see a little better.  What was Wade doing here? Was he working with Armin Zola this whole time?! I was pissed now.  I heard shouting further down the hall. It was Wade. I reached the door and cracked it open a little. He had Armin tied up! Perfect!  But I was still mad at him.  I busted into the room. They both stopped talking and looked at me.  " Peter... Where's Gwen?"   I looked at him but ignored him.   " Ah, he's mad at you Wade. For bringing his poor innocent girlfriend straight to the enemy, me, for a quick buck."

I looked at Wade with so much anger.  " Are you fucking serious?! You brought Gwen here for money?! What the hell is wrong with you Wade?! I thought we were-"
" Peter... Shut up. I'm helping you guys."  He spat rolling his eyes.  " Oh sure sure. Kidnapping my girlfriend and bringing her to the man that wants her for his own sick torture. Oh yes Wade, such a big help you are."  Wade got right in my face.
" Listen here." He whispered.  " I set this up so they thought I was helping them. But as you can see, You're interrupting the part where they find out I've always been on your side."  I felt like a idiot.  " Ok. I'm sorry Wade. Continue."  We stepped to each side of Armin. He was smiling like the sick freak he is.  " Are you boys going to kill me? Because If you are, you can but good luck fighting off my other.... Projects."

" Projects?" I asked. He chuckled.  " The girls I sent after your precious Gwendolyn. Those girls were not only my army, they were preparing Gwendolyn for my plains for her."   Wade and I scowled at him.  " What plans you sick little man?" Wade asked pulling out a katana. He ran his fingers along the blade and pointed it at Armins heart.
" Gwendolyn Stacey is going to be the next Winter Soldier."

Hey guys! Omg there's the big news! 😅 what do y'all think?
And btw, the picture is of  Catastrophe, the girl with Armin and who attacked Gwen.
Love you all! Byeeeee

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