Chapter 21

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         That's what I thought at least. Hopefully everything went perfectly. This was my battle to fight. Did I really need the Avengers to help me? And I didn't want to risk Peter's life. I laid there in my bed, tangled up with Peter. I watched his features as he slept. He was so handsome. I knew this would be a bad idea. My whole body telling me not to do it. But my head, told me yes.

And I agreed with it.


I was in my full uniform, I just needed to put my hood up. I placed the note I wrote to Peter right where I was laying. I knew he would be so angry and terrified that I left to fight them on my own.  But this is my fight. Hydra did this to me. I want to avenge my father and Hayley and everyone Hydra has ever done wrong to or killed.

I crept out of my house through my window and carefully walked out to the ledge. I looked down and just took a deep breath.  'This is it ' , I thought. I then jumped down and began to free fall. I shot out my webs onto another building and swung through downtown  New York City. It was really early in the morning. About 5 am. But the city was already so busy and packed. 

As I flung through the city, my watch went off. It was this really fancy tracking watch that Tony Stark gave me and Peter. And was used to track Hydra. I swung myself up to a apartment building to see where Zola and his men were. It showed that they were  at the  abandoned World's Fair Pavilion in Queens. Interesting place of choice to hide a worlds most dangerous organization of villains but whatever.

I swung my way there and sure enough, Hydra was everywhere. I swung down and hid behind a tree.  I took a deep breath.  Was I crazy? Was this the right thing to do? Could I do this on my own?  I held my head in  my hands.  ' You can do this' I told myself. I stepped out from behind the tree. I watched as trucks with Hydra symbols zoomed by and many men in uniform walked around, running actually.

They were probably getting ready to fight the Avengers. Well, surprise, surprise.

I made my way close to the back entrance, but still came to an obstacle. There were 2 guards watching the back entrance. Well,  more like goofing off. They would be easy to beat. I walked in front of them cracking My knuckles. I'm glad they couldn't see my face, they would know I was Gwendolyn Stacey, the new and better Winter Soldier.
" Hey there fellas!" I said waving as they instantly stopped talking, spinning around with shocked faces.  They started yelling at each other in German.  " You know, I took German in 8th grade but, I quit because it was just hard to understand."  I said laughing to myself.  " I take a bit of Spanish now. Taco, burrito, Te patearé el trasero." I said with a grin.

The two men were freaked out. One raised his gun to me, the other slowly walking forwards.  " Ya know, you never should bring a gun to a fist fight."  I said with a sly smirk. ( Note to self: make a badass playlist someday for these battles).  I ran forward to the one man and landed on him, giving him a upper cut to the chin and swiping his legs to make him fall. He groaned in pain.

The other man with the gun raised it to my eye level. I'm glad I have a bulletproof suit.
" Seriously though, why can't we be friends?"  I asked as I threw a web at a nearby tree and jumped up, coming back towards the man. He tried shooting at me with his gun but he literally missed me every time. I came down on him and punched him. Both men were down. I bent over and took one of the men's I.D. Cards.  " Thank you for the work out fellas!"  I ran to the door and quickly passed the security and ran into the building.


I roll over on Gwen's bed to pull myself against her body. It was cold here in the city believe it or not. But when I did feel her next to me, I immediately shot up. " What the hell?!" I whisper shouted. I looked everywhere, looking for a sign of her. Then , my eyes landed on a note propped up on her desk near the bed.

I get out of her bed and pull on my boxers and shirt. I swiped the note and began reading the cover:
' For Peter'
I opened it and began reading. Then, my stomach dropped.


She.. I can't believe this. I had to get to The avenger tower and show everyone.

I put on the rest of my clothes and opened her window carefully. I stepped out to the ledge and carefully shut the window. I activated my web shooters and shot a web out, swinging to the tower, trying to not be seen.


I was deep into the secret camp of Hydra. I made it! Now I had  to find Zola and finish it all.

I wondered if Peter was still sleeping. His beautiful features were still in my head from last night. I didn't want to leave him that morning, I wanted to kiss him and lay in bed with Peter all day.

I wanted things to be normal like before.

But now, this is my battle to fight.

Suddenly, a loud siren went off. I covered my ears and hid behind cargo boxes.
The loud voice said. Smokes.
The guards I attacked must have woken up and reported me. I have to keep moving or I'll be caught.

I ran as fast as I could, dodging and ducking from guards and Hydra scientists running around. I spotted a big room with all see through glass windows. It looked like a meeting room or a testing room. Then I spotted Zola. Just sitting there, giving orders.

My instincts told me to stop. I shouldn't be here. The Avengers made a very well planned trap for this take down. But I couldn't go through with it. This was personal.

I stalked closer to the room to see what was going on in there.
I climbed up a side wall and used my hearing senses to clearify what they were saying. 

" Sir, the guards said it was woman, in a white and purple spider type suit."
Zola rubbed his chin and stared at the man for a while. 
" This sounds like our new leader now, doesn't it? Miss Stacey. "
I have to do something. Then, I got a risky idea.

" She did WHAT??" Everyone pretty much asked the same time.

" Shes backing out of the plan! We have to go help her!l Thor boomed.
" Peter, can you track Gwen?" Tony asked.  Bruce was trying to check the city and search her whereabouts while using Jarvis' services,  but nothing was working.

" It seems to me that she cut off connection. She knew we would look for her and come for her." Bruce stated, pushing his glasses up his nose from falling.

I shook my head, throwing my hands up in irritation. Gwen is in danger. I don't know why she would go off and do this, after we all made the plan. I pulled out the letter she wrote, reading it over again, word for word. ' I can do this Peter. It's my mission.' I sighed and looked down at the last few words.

' I will always love you, Tiger. Leave a seat for me at graduation.
                                             ~ Gwen'
I flipped the note over, hoping maybe, she would have wrote down where she was, but there was nothing. I felt tears stinging my eyes and I closed them, pounding my fist against the wall and resting my head on the wall. I felt a hand on my shoulder.

"Hey, Peter, it's alright son." Steve said. I shook my head. We have to find her. She could be in a bad situation right now. Can anyone locate Hydra's whereabouts?"

Bruce, Tony and Vision were searching all over the near by databases, looking for a slight hint of where Gwen is. I kept re reading the note over and over. Suddenly, I gasped.  ' Maybe, after graduation, we could go back to the old Worlds Fair Pavilion and celebrate this win against Hydra.'

That was it. That's where Gwen was. Everyone stopped and was shouting at me to spit out what I gasped at. I turned to them and held the note down, pointing at the sentence. The Avengers began to read it, while I pulled my mask over my face. Before they finished, I ran to the nearest window and jumped out, hearing them all yell at me. I began to sling my webs to Queens. They'll come behind me soon enough. I just wanted a head start. A head start to getting Gwen and fighting with her.

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