Chapter 3

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" Sweet Dreams are made of thisssss."
My ringtone blared from the nightstand. I groan and roll over to get it. It's Mary Jane.
" Yeah?"
" Hey sorry I woke you. I know it's early." I rolled my eyes.
" Um, heck yeah it's like 8 am on a Sunday."
" Whatever. Well, are you coming to band practice today at my place?"
I should explain.

I'm a Drummer for a band we made up a few years ago called, The Mary Janes.
We have as bass player named Wanda Maxioff, she's new at school and we all became friends so she became our Bass player. Our good friend since Primary school, Sue Storm is our Guitarist.
Mary Jane, of coarse, is the lead singer.

" Um what time again?"
" 12. Like always Gwen." She said clearly irritated.
" Love you Janey." I said annoyingly. " Whatever." She laughed and hung up. I went to set my phone down, but it wouldn't come off my hand. I shook it; still didn't come off.

" What the hell?" I said sharply. I sat up and tried pulling my phone from my hand. It stuck like glue. Was something stuck on there? I shook it hard, finally it flew off my hand, flying across the room, landing on the floor.

" Shit!" I ran over and checked it. There was a small tiny crack but you couldn't tell. I looked on the back, but there was nothing sticky there. My eyebrows knitted together, looking at my hands. They looked normal. I shook It off, walking into the bathroom.

I grabbed my tooth brush and tooth paste, brushing my teeth. When I went to put them back, they stuck to my hands again. I was totally pissed right about now, about to scream. I shook then like crazy, trying to throw them. They flew off and landed on the floor.

" What the hell is wrong with my hands?!" I said to myself. I picked them up, being cautious. They didn't stick this time. That's weird.. I thought to myself. Maybe it was something from that spider Harry threw on me...


" Gwen! Why are you late?!" Mary Jane asked gritting her teeth. I really didn't need this.
" I'm sorry I was ... Having trouble." I said not wanting to talk about what happened with my hands.

" Whatever. Let's just get started." She said. Mary Jane always got irritated when one of us were quote on quote, "Late."
Sue and Wanda looked annoyed at Mary Jane but smiled at me.

We all set up, me taking my place in the back with my beautiful drum set. My dad had them custom made for my 16th birthday. Their pink with black designs. I was so happy when I got them.

We have a new song we wrote up, and we were currently playing it when I suddenly felt that tingling feeling again. I wasn't focusing. I started messing up and ended up stopping. Mary Jane stopped singing, along with Sue and Wanda stopping. Mary Jane looked back at me with a death look.

" What's wrong?"
I couldn't speak. I shook my head. There was knock at the garage door. The tingling increased. What was it?
Wanda walked over, opening the door. Harry stepped in.
It's like the tingling was giving me a massive headache.

Harry. The Goblin. Tried to kill us. I don't think Mary Jane remembers. She was knocked pretty hard on the head when the bomb went off. She smiled.
" Harry! So good to see you." She said and hugged him. I sat in my seat, feeling this huge anger and disgust towards him.

" Mary Jane. Looking beautiful every day."
God can he just stop? Sounds like a creeper. Sue and Wanda sat next to me as they talked.
" You feeling alright?" Wanda asked with her thick accent.
I nodded. " Yeah just, I don't know I haven't been well these past few days."
She rubbed my back.

I watched Harry flirting with Mary Jane. He flicked his eyes back and forth to me. What if he did this to me ? Was I becoming like Spiderman, and these were my powers developing? Maybe I should talk to Spiderman himself.

" Gwen. You feeling alright?" Harry asked looking at me with his cold green eyes. I clenched my jaw. " Just fine Harry. "
I said and stared right back at him. " I actually need to talk to you." I said standing up. He smiled a smug one.

We walked out and I grabbed his arm, pulling him where no one could see.
" What the hell did you do to me you bastard?!" A evil grin played on his lips.
He leaned closer to me. " A favor."

I was confused. " What kind of favor has me getting things stuck to my hands and these god awful tingling feeling?"
He laughed a hearty laugh.
" You just don't get it do you Gwendolyn?"
I hated it when people called me by my real name. Only my mother and father were allowed too.

" No Harry I don't. " I spat.
" That spider I threw at you, it but you. It's radioactive. Like the one that bit Spiderman. But, something was laced in with them. Oh Gwen, your gonna be on a roller coster of confusion." He laughed darkly. I slapped him.

He hissed at me, his eyes turning bright green like they were when he was the goblin. I started walking away. " Harry get the hell away from me. Never talk to me of my friends again!" I shouted. Sue, Mary Jane, and Wanda rushed out.

" What's going on?" Sue asked. " I was just leaving girls." Harry said, glaring at me and walking to his fancy sports car. As he drove off I raised the naughty finger waving it in the air.

" I - I need to go home." I stated. They looked at me, worry written all over them.
" You want us to take you home?" Sue asked. I nodded. I felt woozy. I'm grateful that they aren't asking questions.
Maybe I could talk to Spiderman about this. Tell him everything. 'Yeah sure if you ever find him again' my self conscious told me.

I just need to sleep. Tomorrow will be school. Wait!
" Mary Jane." I said suddenly. Everyone jumped. " Sorry. But, Spiderman said Peter Parker and him are friends right?"
She nodded. " I remember laughing and calling Peter a nerd." I rolled my eyes.

" Why?"
" I was just thinking about everything that happened yesterday." I lied. I've noticed that I've been lying too easily lately...
We arrived at my house.
" I'm sorry guys I've just, haven't been feeling well lately and... Harry ticked me off... A lot." That was true. He did. That dick.

" It is ok Gwendolyn. Feel better." Wanda said. I was ok with her calling me that. It was a popular name in her country.
I said goodbye to Mary Jane and Sue, and got out. I walked in, my mother working at the hospital and my brother at a friends. I walked into my room and fell asleep as soon as I hit the mattress.

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