Chapter 12

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*Steve's Pov*

" Good morning baby."
I hear Tony whisper in my ear as I started waking up.
I smiled and rolled over, looking him in his beautiful brown eyes.
Looks just like Howard.

" Morning Tony." I mumbled, still a little tired. He kissed my lips lightly, trying to deepen the kiss. I was about to let him when JARVIS interrupted.
" Captain Rodgers, It appears that Spiderman, Deadpool and a young woman by the name of Gwen Stacey are here to see you."

Tony rolled off me and looked at me confused.  " Why would those kids want to see me?" I asked.
" Well, Technically, Wade isn't a kid."  Tony said. I rolled my eyes.  " JARVIS, tell them to come in, I'll be down in a few."

I hoped off the bed and changed out of my pajama pants and put on a pair of khakis and a white t- shirt.
" How come you haven't asked Peter to join the Avengers?" I asked as I combed my hair.

" Steve, that's Fury's job. I mean, we could use him. Since when have you been a Spiderman fan?" Tony asked with a smirk. I turned around as I was walking to the door.
" I've seen him and his work. He's pretty amazing." I smile and proceed walking down to see our guests.

** Gwen's POV**
I look up and see Captain America make his way down the stairs.  Wow.  " Beautiful." I whispered.  " What?!" Peter whisper-Shouted.  " Nothing." I say blushing madly and I hear Wade snicker.

"Wade. Peter. Gwen! It's nice to see you guys." He said smiling as he walked over to us.   " Hello Captain." I said shaking his hand.  " Ah please call me Steve. Captain is only when I'm on the job." He smirks.  I feel Peters stare burning into my side.
I walk over to him and rest my head on his shoulder, holding his hand.

" Stop being Jelly Peter. I'm not flirting." I whisper as Wade talked to Steve.  " Mhmm." Peter mumbled as he smirked at me.  "So, What did you kids come her for?" Cap- Steve asked. ( I'll need to  get used to calling him that).  I then explained everything, and the strange Letter from Armin Zola.

I handed it to him. Tony Stark came down as well, up behind Steve to hug him.  " You two are..?" I ask pointing back and forth at them.  " Their lovers." Wade snickered loudly.  " I call them Stony. Isn't that clever Petey??" Wade asked, still laughing.  I managed a giggle.

Steve finished reading. He looked up at me, cautiously.
" So, they must have put something bad in those spiders." He said.  I nodded.
" I think they may be controlling me, when I fight. They want me to kill. To join them."

They all stared at me, so I just looked down embarrassed.
" Gwen almost strangled our little, attacker last night." Wade said as Peter held me close.
" I stopped her. But I could tell, that wasn't Gwen. She would never kill."  Peter said hugging me. 

Steve looked at Tony.
" Maybe we should have tests done. Tony can get Bruce."
" She's not some caged-"
" Peter. It's fine. I want to know what I am, what's in me, making me this way."  I said kissing his cheek.

" Bruce is ready." Tony said hanging up his call.
So, the 3 of us followed the Couple down to Dr. Banner's lab.   "Their so cute!" I whispered to Peter, pointing at Steve and Tony.  He rolled his eyes, chuckling.
" Your cute." He said kissing my forehead. I heard Wade make a gag noise behind us, making me laugh.

" Bruce, This is Gwen Stacey. " Steve said as we entered the room.  " Hello Miss Stacey. It's a pleasure to have you."
This guy was the hulk? He was so sweet and calm.
" Thank you for taking me in during your time." I said
He smiled and showed me to the scan bed.

Steve and Tony had Wade and Peter stand in the hallway, where they could watch.
I laid on the bed and Bruce set everything up.
" Ok I'm ready to start. Just relax and stay still. It's going to scan your Brian activity and I'll need to take a blood sample."
I nodded. 

After I was scanned, Peter came in.  " Pete what's wrong?"  I asked, looking into his eyes.  Bruce was preparing for my blood sample. 
" Wanted to hold your hand, for when he takes your sample."
He's such a little dork.  I smiled, and laced our fingers together.  I gasped at first, the needle pinched but I squeezed Peter's hand.

Bruce patched me up and quickly ran over to his microscope. I walked over, along with Peter and Wade. Steve and Tony stood back.
Bruce injected a tiny blot of my blood into the glass plate and covered it with another.

He placed it under the scope and zoomed in.  We waited, the tension picking up in the room.
" This... This is ... Crazy."
Bruce said turning around.
My heart rate sped up. Was it bad?     " The venom, from the spider bite was mutated, laced with some chemicals I can't identify."   I groaned, bringing my hands up to cover my face.

" Armin Zola worked with Hydra, The mad scientist.
I thought after the mission that Natasha went on, I thought he was gone."  Steve said. 
" Wait. He was still alive?" I asked confused. 
" Yes. Well, his brain somehow got put into the old control center where the first Shield Facility was. They never knew he was evil apperently. He secretly did awful historical events happen while working at Shield."   That was a lot to take in.

" He made The Winter Soilder.. My best friend Bucky." Steve said as he signed.  Tony rubbed his back.  " We thought, that we got rid of him. But now, I'm guessing he is back."  We all stood in silence, thinking about all this information.   " Well, what should I do?" I suddenly ask.

Steve shrugged.  " There isn't anything you can really do unless they attack, coming for you. You have to learn to fight against that control they have over you Gwen. If you don't, you'll just do what they want; Kill."

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