Chapter 19

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//Hiiiii everyone! I really apologize for the long hiatus for this update!! I was just having writers block and lots of other stuff happening. But here it is!! And I really appreciate all the notifications I get of people adding this book or my other books to their reading lists!!! It makes me really happy🤗  So, give me feedback please and vote!!\\ ++ Lots of Gweter in this chapter!

*Peter's Pov*

I froze mid sentence.  " What were you going to say Peter?" Steve asked.
I raised my finger  as to say, 'hold on' .  My spidey senses were tingling horribly. I used all of my senses, trying to figure out what it was. I suddenly heard it. Gwen.

" Gwen and Bucky are fighting!" I shouted, sprinting up the stairs.
I heard all of their feet scuffling and sprinting after me.

I didn't know which room Gwen and Bucky were in.  " What room are they-"
Suddenly,Bucky Broke through the left wall, a giant hole in the wall. He got up instantly, cracking his neck.  We all stopped, watching Bucky rise up.

"Gwen?! Gwen where are you?" I asked as I carefully moved closer to the hole in the wall where Bucky came through.  I heard crying.  "Guys she's in here. She's possibly hurt. Can you guys control Bucky?"  I asked as I stepping into the destroys wall.

Steve nodded and took care of Bucky who seemed to be back to normal now.

I saw Gwen huddled on the floor, crying. Iran over and crouched down, holding her tight, only earning a scream from her.  "MY ARM!! My arm is broken!" She cried out as she showed me. I gasped. It was bad.  " Shhh shhhh Gwen I'm here. I got you. It's ok." I whispered in her ear as I kissed her head. I carefully took her arm and raised it a little. She screamed again. " Your arm isn't badly broken Gwen. Did Bucky do this to you?" She nodded hurriedly.

" what happened?" I asked her as she looked up at me, tears streaming down her face and some blood by her hair line.

+++Gwen's Pov+++

Everyone was gathered around the table in the Avengers Tower.
Dr. Banner and Tony Stark gave me a cast for my arm and set it in for me. Bucky was sitting across from me, staring at me. I looked away. I don't know what happened. We were just talking about how I might be the next Winter Solider and, the last thing I remember was Bucky freaking out and then I must have blacked out.

Peter was by my side, his arm around me gently. He was so sweet. Why does he still like me? I'm turning  into a nut case by becoming the next Winter Solider, different assassins are out to get me and try to hurt my loved ones, if I were him.... I don't know how I would handle this.  I rested my head on his broad shoulder. He turned his head and whispered, " I love you Gwen. " as he rubbed his thumb over my other hand. I gripped his hand. I wanted to cry again, but I couldn't. I had to end all of this bullshit.

" Mind telling us what triggered Mr. Cold over here?"  Tony said like a jackass. I guess that's just how he talks.  Bucky glared at him but looked away.  " Um, well, I was just telling him about everything, about how Zola is making me well, like him... And " I said looking at Bucky then back at everyone else.  " He started freaking out. Saying ' no no no no.' And clutching his head. Then, I must have blacked out because I don't  remember anything after that."

Tony crossed his arms. Steve, and everyone else just looked at me. I hated this. I buried my head into Peter's chest, him holding me tighter.  " Well you must have lost consciousness because Peter said he heard fighting and when we all made it upstairs, you kicked Barnes through the wall."  Tony said looking at me. I felt horrible. I don't know how to stop me from becoming this fighting machine.

Wade cleared his throat. " Stop acting like a dick Mr. Stark. Gwen here doesn't know how she's blacking out and becoming this fighting badass. She's scared and you shouldn't treat her like its her fault."  I looked at Wade and mouthed, ' Thank you'
He smiled and nodded. 

Tony signed and walked to the kitchen.  The rest of the avengers sat in their chairs, thinking of what to do next.  As I rested against Peter's chest, listening to his calm heart beat, I figured out a plan.

" I remember where Zola is." I said sitting up, wincing a little because of my arm. But the funny thing was, my arm didn't feel as broken anymore. 'Strange' I thought.
Everyone's eyes landed on me.  " Where?"  Sam Wilson asked.
" When I was fighting Hayley.. We were at Harry Osborn's house. He is partnering up with Zola. Harry was the one that changed me into being just like Peter."  I said looking at Peter, who nodded his head.  Everyone thought for a minute.

"what do you believe he is Planning?" Thor asked, asking for everyone.
I looked at Peter and he looked at me.  " I believe he is planning to take over, like Hydra always wanted. He wants me leading the army."  Bucky nodded.  " Let's give him what  he wants then." Vision said. We all grinned at each other. I laughed and felt welcome, like this could be my second home, second family.

" How about we make you a new suit with more modifications though first. " Tony said smiling at me.

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