Chapter 14

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*Gwen's Pov*

The girls and I were setting up the small stage with our instruments. I was currently worried out of my mind.

That letter from Armin Zola scared me. He was sending someone to the show tonight? Were they going to take me? I didn't want to think about it.
I set up my drum set, when I heard someone call my name.

" Gwen!" It was Peter. I really was glad to see him. I ran over to his open arms and kissed him. I giggled after and hugged him. " Whoa. I should surprise you more often." He said winking at me. I smiled and kissed his soft lips again.
" Ew. Guys I'm right here." Wade said from behind Peter.

I pulled away from Peter and snorted. " I'm sorry Wade." I said hugging him. He hesitantly hugged me back. " Can't wait to hear you play Gwen." Wade said with a obvious fake smile.
" You just came to pick up girls didn't you?" I asked laughing.
He nodded with a wild grin.

I suddenly remembered the letter and stopped smiling.
I gripped Peter's hand and tugged him away from everyone. Wade followed.
" Gwen, what's wrong?" Peter asked as he scanned his eyes all over my face.

I gulped and pulled out the letter. He quickly grabbed it and held it out so Wade and him could read it. "No Way." Was all Peter could say.
" Peter I just... This is all a nightmare. I don't know what to do anymore." I said as I covered my face with my hands. " Shhh. Gwen it's ok. Look, Wade and I will help."

Peter said as he held me tight.
" I'll be watching you guys and everything back stage. Wade can be out in the crowd, watching. It will work Babe."
I looked up and him and Wade.
" If it's a dude, I'll take care of him out back. If it's a woman... I might have my hands full. Get it?" Wade said smirking.

I laughed and punched his arm lightly. I'm glad I had Peter and Wade here to help me.

" How is everyone tonight?!"
Mary Jane yelled into the microphone, at the huge crowd at the night club. Everyone cheered. I was excited because tonight was a big night for us, being in front of a bigger crowd. But I was also worried about the unwanted guest. But, I heard Mary Jane start the count down and I began to play.

* Wade's POV*

I stand towards to back of the crowd, scanning for suspicious faces.
' I hope it's a woman'
' Boy I would just-'
" Shut Up you horny Voices!"
I say scowling.

Gwen's band is actually pretty sick. I mean.. I'm sorta listening since I have my eyes fixed on her boobs.. ' Your a horrible Friend.' ' Her boobs are nice.'
I shake my head and smile. Everyone looks normal; jamming out... Except for this, one girl.

She makes eye contact with me and saunters her way on over to me. I gulp and run a hand through my hair.
Her shirt choice was very distracting.. Since it showed practically her whole chest.
She has short, black hair that stopped right at her jaw.
Dark brown eyes, that were currently staring at mine.

" Hello There handsome." She says, seductivly. A smirk plays on her dark red lips. I gulped.
" Why, Hello Boo- I MEAN, Hello miss." I can't Beileve I almost called her boobies.
' You should have. '
" You like The Mary Janes?" She asked as she basically grinded on me. I choked out a gasp.

" Um.. Yes! I uh, love them. Yup. Just a real big fan." I gasped. She hummed in my ear. " What's your name sexy?" I chuckled. Usually that's my line when I pick up chicks. ' Yeah then you get slapped sometimes.' 'Remember when one poured a drink on him?'

I ignored the voices and grinned at this mysterious Beauty. "Wade Wilson." Her eyes widened. She moved closer to me, wrapping her arms around my neck.
" Well, wanna know my name Wade Wilson?" She whispered into my ear. I nodded.

She pulled away to look at me, then suddenly her face expression changed. She had a wicked smile on her face, Her nostrils flared. I gave her a confused look but then felt the pain of a knife being stabbed into my stomach. I yelled, but no one could hear anyway. I slowly fell to the ground. She pulled it out quickly, sneering at me.

" I heard a lot about you Wade Wilson. I knew you couldn't protect your friend when she needed you most. You were just distracted by my boobs." She spat. I was gasping for air, waiting for my healing factor to kick in. Hurt like hell but it faded away as the hole disappeared.

*Gwen's POV*
What a night! Everyone loved us and we all had a great time.
I bet Wade found a girl and left or something but I was in such a good mood.

As we ran off the stage, I went to find Peter.
" Peter??" I call out as I reach the dressing room area.
I hear a voice come from mine.
Confused, I open the door to a horrific Sight.

" Gwen!!" Peter's scream was muffled by his gag. I gasped and ran over to him.
" Peter! Oh my god who did this?! Was it that person that is here for me??" I frantically asked as I rip off the gag.
" Yes. It was that person that's here to get you Gwendolyn." A voice says from behind me.
I spun around kickly, but then just as fast got kicked in the stomach.

" GWEN!" Peter yelled. He was still tied up, trying to free himself. I jumped back up, a little achy. " So your the famous Gwen Stacey the girls have been talking about?" The girl asked with a evil smirk.
" Girls?" I ask as I gaurd myself. " You mean all those girls that have come after me?"

She nodded. " We are all a Team. We work for Armin you see. We are his girls. And he wants you to join us."
I suck in a breath.
" I don't want anything to do with that pysco. He has already done enough damage to me. And I'm going to give it back." I said as I charged after her, webbing her to the wall.

She screamed in frustration.
I ran to Peter and struggled to untie him. " What the fresh hell is this?!" I heard Mary Jane screech. Wanda took action and untied Peter with her mind powers. "ARGH!" The girl screamed and ripped out of my webs. " Who the hell is she?!" Mary Jane asked. She wasn't really helping to be honest.

" My name is Arsyn! I was sent here to take Gwen Stacey!" She yelled as she hit Mary Jane with a upper cut.
" Mary Jane!!" I yelled as she fell down.
" Now, if you would please crown with me Gwen, no more of your friends will get hurt." Arsyn stated. I looked at Peter, with scared written all over my face.

" Gwen no!" He said grabbing my arm. I began to cry, I didn't want to go and join them. But I didn't want her to hurt or kill my friends. " Shut up Spiderman!" She yelled and punched him. Peter fell backward but Sue and Wanda caught him. " Listen here bitch! You are not taking her away from us. If you want her,"
Mary Jane said as she looked at me. " Your gonna have to fight me." She stated with a smirk.

Arsyn laughed a little too bitchy. " You? Want to fight me? Good luck Red Head." She said as she lunged at Mary Jane. Punches and kicks were being throw back and forth. Wanda used her mind tricks to help Mary Jane. Arsyn was getting beaten. Finally, Arsyn was on the floor. Face was swollen and bloody a bit.

She laughed and spit some blood out. She must be a little nuts because, if I were her, I wouldn't be laughing.
We all stood over her, glaring down. " Don't think this is over SpiderGwen. There will be more coming. More strife, chaos." I clenched my jaw.

" Yea well you tell your little master that I will never join. I will beat him. All of you freaks." I said in her face. Wade ran in, taking in what was happening.
" Want me to take her out?"
He asked as he pulled out his katana with a grin. " Tease me like that huh?" He said.

"No Wade. Just take her outside." Peter said as he hugged me from behind.
Wade did so, leaving us all In shock. " Gwen," Wanda said.
" Your gonna need all the help you can get." I smiled at them weakly. " We will help you." Mary Jane said

A/N: Hey everyone! Omg it's been forever since I updated!! I'm sorry for that by the way😔 it's just been school starting up again and I kinda had writers block ! But omg thanks for all the reads! And for you all that comment, thank you☺️💕 it means a lot tbh! Ok well, I'll update soon! Byee

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