Chapter 6

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*A/n : This is where the villians are made up! Enjoy! That's a picture of The Trinity btw* ( yes I got them from Taylor Swifts instagram lol)

3rd person POV*

Spiderman and Gwen sung in right as all the action was happening. Iron Man, Thor and Hawkeye were attacking the villains. Captain America ran over to them, holding his shield up.

" Spiderman. Glad your here. Who's this?" (Steve knew better than to called Spiderman by his real name infront of civilians. ) He asked looking at Gwen. Gwen was too busy being interested in his beauty to answer. " Gwen Stacey. Her father is chief of police."

Captain nodded.
" Stark, Barton and Thor are taking on the villains."
" Who are they?" Gwen asked.
" Well, actually, it's a girl. All the same. I say Triplets. She's a shapeshifter thing."

Gwen looked at the streaks of light going fast. Those were from the girl. " She can multiply herself." She whispered. Suddenly, the girl was at the top of a close building. " WHERE IS SHE?! WHERE IS THE SPECIAL?!"

" What the hell are you mumbling about?!" Iron man yelled up there. The girl's eyes on all 3 of her glared red.
" THE SPECIAL!" Everyone went silent. " ARGHHHHHH!" She screamed. Everyone covered their ears.

Gwen looked around, finding her father. She ran over to him.
" Dad! Dad you need to leave! It's too dangerous!" She shouted. " Gwen?! Why aren't you at home?!"

" Dad I was worried about you! We have to go!" She said trying to pull his arm. The Screaming stopped.
" Gwen!! Watch out!" Spiderman screamed. Gwen turned and was suddenly thrown back. She fell onto a car.

" Gwen!" Her father yelled.
"Hush peasant!." The girl yelled. " I am the Trinity! If no one tells me where the spacial is, this man dies!" She said using a force to pick up Gwen's Father.

Gwen managed to stand up, looking at her father in horror as she screamed. " NO! PLEASE PLEASE JUST PUT HIM DOWN!" Gwen screamed.
The Trinity boomed a laugh.
" You foolish girl. Why must you cry over a old man? I'm just looking for what I want."

" BECAUSE HE IS MY FATHER." Gwen said becoming Extremely angry, feeling that feeling she felt when she beat up Harry.
Gwen ran up to The Trinity, who split into two. Gwen started attacking one, beating her down. She moved to the next one and succeeded with that one. She was down to the real girl.

The Trinity's eyes widened.
Spiderman and the rest of the Avengers were shocked.
Gwen was clutching her fists, breathing heavily.
" Now, Give. Me. My. Father,"
She said looking right at the Trinity. " you freaking bitch."

" Your the Special." She said. Gwen stopped, looking scared.
" What? "
" You.. Are the Special."
Everyone looked at Gwen.
" Well, I see I have gotten what I wanted, but I'll still kill him." The Trinity stated.

Gwen lunged forward, trying to get her father. But, before she grazed the touch of him, The Trinity pulled out a gun, and shot him. She dropped him down, saying loudly, " Hail Hydra." Gwen grabbed his arms and she sobbed.

" Dad, Dad please. Stay with me! Please dad!" Gwen yelled, her vision blurry. " Gwen.. Gwen listen.." Her father choked out. " Take care of your brother; love him and help him. Take care of of you mother for me. Tell them I loved them." He said, only having a minute of life left.

" And Gwen, baby, I love you so much. You've grown into a beautiful young lady. You will do great things in this world.always strive to do your best. I love you." Gwen cupped his face. " I-I love you t-to daddy." She sobbed. And then, he smiled, but stopped breathing. Gwen's father died.

Gwen went numb, crying. She screamed as she faintly heard everyone around her. The police, backing people away, the ambulance coming to get him. She heard Spiderman talking to her, pulling her up. She let him, watching them bag up her dad and putting him in the Vehicle.

" He's gone." Gwen whispered as she cried into Spider-mans chest. He held her, rubbing her back. Gwen knew right then and there, she was going to find The Trinity and whoever she's with and kill them. She was going to become a hero.

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