Chapter 2

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T-minus 385 days to launch
Kara was visibly trying not to pace around the room. Lucy stopped her leg from moving. "Kara, just stop, it's obvious you're going. There's no one better than you and your sister to lead this mission."

They didn't usually let family members go together on missions, but the Danvers Sisters had been a package deal since Kara's first mission. When Alex stormed into J'onn's office and told him, "We work better together, sir. Everyone can attest to that. I understand it if you have any other reason not to send either of us, but if her adoption papers are the only thing keeping her out of this mission, please reconsider and let her go, or I could just tear the damn papers, she won't stop being my sister anyway."

Alex and Kara made an excellent team, no one could argue with that. Out in space their team dynamic was even better than on Earth.

J'onn entered the room and looked at the 20 expectant women. "Hello, as you all know, the first human mission to Mars is going to have six of you. Getting there is going to take 179 days, you'll spend 3 months there and you'll be back home 210 days after that. Now, the brave astronauts that are going to Mars for the first time ever are: Commander Alex Danvers, Second in Command Kara Danvers, Pilot Nia Nal, Flight Engineer Lena Luthor, Mission Specialist Sam Arias and Docking Pilot Maggie Sawyer. Congratulations, ladies." Everyone was cheering and congratulating people.

Alex definitely didn't pay much attention to any other name after her sister's, so it wasn't until Kara stepped away from their hug that it registered in her brain. She froze. "Did he just say Maggie?" No. It couldn't be. Suddenly there was a hand on her shoulder.

"Congratulations, Danvers." Alex turned around only to be dazzled by Maggie's smile. She hadn't seen her smile like that in a long time. It still took her breath away, that smile. She literally felt as if she couldn't breathe. Or maybe she was still in shock because her ex was going to be living in a small space with her for a whole year and a half. Alex saw Maggie retrieving her hand, which snapped her out of it. She expected a handshake and Alex hadn't even noticed. Great, she managed to make it awkward and they hadn't even launched yet. Maggie's dimples disappeared and Alex missed them immediately. "Sorry, I just thought —"

"No no, I'm sorry, I didn't... I just—" Alexandra Danvers, everyone, the Commander of the first human mission to Mars, but she couldn't talk to a pretty girl. No, not any pretty girl, her ex, a member of her crew. She composed herself. Offered her own hand this time. "Let's do this again. Thank you, Sawyer, congratulations to you too."

Maggie's smile was smaller that time, but still there. They shook hands until Lucy Lane jumped to Maggie's back yelling, "Congrats, you two!", and Nia was approaching Alex, so that was the end of that exchange.


That night, they went to have drinks to celebrate. Some of them were dancing. Maggie and Nia were playing pool.
Kara was sitting next to Alex in a booth and they had Sam and Lena sitting in front of them.

"Are we not going to talk about the huge elephant in the room?" Sam finally asked after her second margarita.

"Don't you mean the small latina that'll be in the spaceship?" Lena replied with a smirk. Sam laughed, Kara swore she tried not to, but the alcohol was apparently very effective.

Alex groaned. "No, we're not talking about this."
It was Kara who insisted, "Come on, Alex, you need to let it all out and start to make peace with the fact that she's going to be part of our crew."

"I know, I just—" Alex began and stopped herself, sighing.

Lena saw her eyes, and she recognized that expression. Alex was too similar to her in many aspects and this was just one of them, "I'll bring you a scotch, Danvers, start talking."

Alex suddenly could breathe again, she smiled softly at Lena. She was thankful for the day Sam had introduced them. She addressed the other two, "It's been five months, guys, I'm over her." And she was. She was completely over Maggie Sawyer. So what if she hadn't dated anyone else since? As far as she knew, Maggie hadn't either. So what if they broke up while still madly in love with each other? They were not compatible, she wanted to have children one day, it didn't matter how much she had also wanted Maggie.

"Should I remind you that you've been avoiding her as much as you could? That does not sound like—"

Alex quickly interrupted Sam, "We needed a clean break and that's what we got, that's it."

They kept talking and Kara was listening to the conversation. She was. But she could also probably tell you exactly how long it took Lena to get to the bar, and the way she smiled at the bartender when she ordered — even if she couldn't really see her face.

When Lena came back, Alex was quick to thank her, take the scotch and drink. "Look, I loved Maggie, and a part of me will always love her. She was my first real love, you know how that is. But I'm not in love with her anymore. I'm not. Time did help and I really hope we'll get to have a good mission together and maybe, who knows, maybe we'll get to be friends."

Kara was side-hugging her by the time she was finished. Sam was studying her face and probably her whole body language to see if she was lying. Lena simply smiled at her and said, "Well, you wouldn't be a good lesbian if you weren't friends with your ex." effectively easing the tension. Lena was good at that, she had to learn it at a very young age to keep herself mostly sane.

Lena noticed Kara was falling asleep by the time they finished another round, but Alex was finally letting loose and wanted to dance. The sisters lived together so they had come together. "Sam, go have fun with Alex. She needs it, and make sure she gets home safe." Lena then placed a hand on Kara's shoulder to get her attention. "Come on, Kara, I'll take you home."

Okayy, this chapter is a little longer than the previous one. I hope you enjoyed it, if you did please let me know!
I think im going to update this story weekly, so every Saturday.

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