Chapter 22

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Day 5 on Mars

They were all exhausted. They'd been working non-stop since they got there. There had been several missions before, where robots had brought a lot of the things they would need.

They brought the rest with them and they had to put everything together. Five whole days of hard work, sleeping in the control capsule and not having time to take a break.

Finally their camp was finished and the shield installed. Everything was working as planned.
The camp was spacious enough. They had three bedrooms, a bathroom, two labs, a dining room and the best part: a whole lot of space where they would see if they could grow food and pretend they were outside.

They called it 'The Bubble'. Its walls and ceiling were completely transparent, practically invisible. It still had the atmosphere where they could breathe without the helmet and the temperature, though not as warm as 'inside', wasn't deadly cold at night. They could almost feel as if they were actually outside, on Mars.
They could see the marks on the ground, so they weren't going to bump into the invisible walls.

They were still getting used to walking around, doing things with gravity and feeling way lighter than on Earth. And they still hadn't had a moment to take everything in. But that night they were sleeping on the ground for the first time. And the next morning their normal life on Mars was going to begin.

No one ever questioned the room arrangements. They didn't even have to speak about it, all of them just knew:
Sam and Alex were in one room, Nia and Maggie in the other, and Kara and Lena in the third.

Yeahh, so this is a smaller chapter but I promise that the next chapter is a little longer. I hope you enjoyed this chapter, i hope your pillow is cold on both sides tonight :)

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