Chapter 30

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187 days to Earth

Kara was happy.

She loved being in space, especially with them. They worked hard and played games and goofed around. Yeah, life was good. If she didn't take into account the feeling of impending doom.

Still, she was anxious to get back to Earth. She couldn't wait to feel the sun on her face again, to go outside even on a rainy day, to not be surrounded by metal all the time. In many ways, this felt like a long vacation, a dream. And she was eager to get back home and start living her real life, with Lena by her side.

Anyway, Kara was happy and she was outside the ship installing some new panels for extra security. All of a sudden, she felt the tether holding her to the spacecraft move violently, then she was floating away as she realized she wasn't tied to it anymore.

"Alex? I can't hold on to anything."

"What happened, Supergirl?" Alex asked through the comms, until she saw the outside cameras and didn't need an answer anymore.

"It was probably an asteroid, Alex, I can't—"

Alex was gone. She could put on a suit in record time if it meant going after her sister.

"Kara? Can you hear me?"

"Lena, I don't think the jet thrusters are working, I can't see the ship anymore and I don't want to try to turn around in case I—"

"Alex is getting ready, love, we'll get you back. Just breathe, okay?" What were the chances of an asteroid hitting the only thing tying her to the ship? Brainy would probably know the exact number, she only knew they were very slim.

There wasn't any other explanation, though, so that would have to do. And she was breathing, she'd done a lot of spacewalks and she had trained for any kind of emergency. It was just that the SAFER (the thing with the jet thrusters) failing at that particular moment was absolutely ridiculous, what were the odds of that.

"Kara? I see you, you're still close. Stick with me, I'll keep you out of the darkness."

And yeah, okay, she was freaking out a little, but as long as Lena was in her ears saying things like that, she knew she'd be fine. She had the most powerful women in the universe looking out for her, they were not going to let her float away.

"I'm here, I'm here. I love you."

"I love you too. Alex will be there before you know it."

Lena continued talking until Alex got to her. They even looked at the broken tether before going inside, and yeah, definitely an asteroid.

Kara was happy and so ready to go back to the ground.

Wooow chapter 30 already!! Time really does fly by. I hope you enjoyed reading and if you did let me know:)
Have a wonderful day and keep smiling<333

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