Chapter 6

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T-minus 5 days to launch
Lena walked up to Kara after everyone else left. "Hey, I have something for you."

"Me? Really?"

She took something out of her backpack and handed it to Kara, "I saw this t-shirt online and knew you just had to have it and use it up there."

The t-shirt in question read, 'I put the ace in space' and Kara lost it, she laughed until she couldn't breathe and then, "Oh my God, Lena, this is amazing!" Kara threw her arms around her.

"I'm glad you like it."

"Like it? I love it! Lena, I don't... this—" Kara was suddenly speechless. How? How could she explain that this meant more to her than just a thoughtful funny gift? This felt like being accepted. She often thought that people tended to ignore that part of her life, it was not really something they talked about beyond a few questions when they were trying to understand. Either they acted like she was broken or they acted like it wasn't a part of her. But it was, and Lena of all people giving this to her, having a laugh with her about it like she did with Alex about her gayness... it made her feel more normal than she'd ever felt before. And she always wanted to feel normal. However, with this gift not only did she feel normal, she also felt special because Lena Luthor thought of her. "It— It's everything. Thank you."

Another hug. But this one felt different. The first one had been short, full of happiness and Lena had understood that Kara was trying to show gratitude through it. This one was intimate, Lena could not really pinpoint exactly what it was trying to say, but she felt it anyway. And she returned it with her own meaning. She said 'you're welcome' through it, she said 'you deserve an amazing gift because you're amazing', and a few other things she didn't even want to think about. She could only hope that Kara could hear the words she was trying to convey.

T-minus 10 hours to launch
The whole day everything had been a very organized chaos around them. Sam's daughter, Ruby, was the only family member allowed to be in there with them.

The girl said goodbye to Maggie, Nia and Kara, then turned to Lena.

"Bye, aunt Lena." she hugged her tight and whispered in her ear. "Bring her home."

"I promise, darling. I love you. Don't grow up too much."

As soon as she left Lena's arms, she was in Alex's, she didn't even see the woman coming. "Take care, kid. Love you."

Again, she whispered, "Take care of them, Alex."


Finally, there was Sam. "I'm so proud of you, mom."

"Oh, please don't make me cry. I'm proud of you. I'm gonna miss you so much."

"We're gonna talk any chance you get, mom. Please, I told you a million times, I know you want to stay with me and I know you love me. I asked you to go. Go be a hero, I'll be fine with Eliza." Sam's mom threw her out of the house when she found out she was pregnant with Ruby at sixteen. Lena became her family then, and Alex came next. Once she met Alex's mom, Eliza, the woman took it upon herself to be like a mother to her, and a grandmother to Ruby.

Of course Sam started crying and hugged her daughter tight. "I love you so much, Ruby."

"I love you too, mom." They were going to spend almost two years without hugging each other, so they planned to stay like that for as long as they could.

All the other women were watching the interaction with tears in their eyes.

"Okay, Reign, time to suit up." Reign was Sam's call sign, she didn't really like it, but she appreciated what Alex was trying to do. She needed to distance herself from this situation, to think about the job and not the fact that she wasn't going to see her daughter for a very long time. "Ruby, give my mom hell" she winked and everyone laughed effectively cutting the tension in the room.

Hours later — that actually felt like days — they were finally inside the capsule, with still an eternity to go before launch. They just had to wait for their orders now. Alex was anxious and just basically a bundle of nerves, so she decided to break the ice a little, "So, ladies, I hope you had sex last night because it'll be a long time before you can do it again according to the press."

They all laughed, and Lena replied, "You do remember we're on a live stream that probably the whole planet is watching, right Commander Danvers?"

"I'm just giving the people what they want, Luthor."

Alex, Lena and Maggie did not have call signs, so they mostly went by their last names while working, and often when they weren't. Nia, Kara and Sam only let people use theirs when they were on missions.

A long while later, the checklist was checked, everything was ready and they were getting the countdown from Houston.

Nobody in the world cared if Supergirl suddenly shouting, "We're going to Mars, people!" was a bit unprofessional.




They were off.

Lena was never going to get used to the feeling of take-off, no matter how many times she'd done it for real and in simulators. Her problem wasn't the fact that she could die, she double- checked everything herself. She knew everything was working perfectly fine. No, the problem for her was how violent it was at first, how it was hard to focus on the tasks, the amount of pressure on her chest, she hated it all.

But soon enough, the feeling was gone, and so was gravity.


Nia touched a few buttons. "Done."


"Everything okay, Danvers." "Supergirl?"

"Aye, Captain"


"Looking good, Danvers."


"All clear."

Everything had gone exactly according to plan. Alex reported to Houston, and just like that, they were on their way to Mars.

A few hours later they were docked to the main spacecraft that had been built for them in space. The ship could be bigger, sure, but it was okay for the six of them. Besides the control capsule, each of them had one sleeping pod, they had one bathroom, two of each exercise equipment, a small lab, and they even had a kitchen-dining area to eat all at the same time in the same place if they wanted to. There were also a couple of nooks with small windows. They had everything they needed and they had each other. They would be fine.

Yeah so its a bit longer this time although i was 🤏this close to making it a cliffhanger... but i was so kind and i gave you a little bit more!
Hope you enjoyed it, if you did i would appreciate some feedback. Ty

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