Chapter 13

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Day 47

Calls with Earth were having more than a few seconds of delay, it could be up to a minute, so they were still having them but without video to make them faster.

"I know you don't want to know about the gossip, but..."


"It's just... people are shipping you and Alex, mom. You'd tell me if something happened, right? I've been waiting for you to make a move for ages!"

"People are what?!"

"Shipping you two? You know, they think you look cute together? Some think you're already a couple... But then again, some people ship Alex with Maggie or even with aunt Lena. Oh! You also have the Kara and Nia shippers, but then there's people who aren't blind and can see from the few videos or photos that Lena and Kara totally belong together—"

"I know what shipping is, I'm not 80. I just—" Sam meant to cut her rambling as soon as she started talking but with the delay, Ruby had gotten quite a lot of words in. "I didn't need to know all that."

"I know, I'm sorry, it's just fun, you know? There's really good fanart too."

"Ruby, NO!"

"Ew, mom, not what you're thinking! Of course I stay away from things I don't want to see or read about my mom or my aunts. Don't think I didn't notice you ignoring my question. I also noticed how you both seem happier these past few days."

Sam sighed. She wanted to wait a little longer to tell her. Ruby already loved Alex so much, she didn't want to get her hopes up just in case. Still, she could never lie to her daughter.

"You're right. I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner, it's just new with Alex but we are happy."

"Oh my God, I knew it! Tell me everything!"

So she did. And then, out of curiosity she asked to see some fanart. Ruby sent her a lengthy email full of art, along with a recount of every ship. It was harmless fun, but it was still a bit strange that some people thought she had more chemistry with Lena than with Alex. Though she understood when she read about Maggie and Nia, she could see it even if she knew they were just good friends. Most people were spot on, because most people shipped her with Alex, Alex with Maggie and Kara with Lena.

"Ruby knows about us." She declared as she entered the dining area where everyone was eating or heating up their food.

"I thought you wanted to wait?"

"I did, but apparently people are writing fanfics about us and she noticed we were both happier."

"People are doing what about who?!" Alex did not take the news very well.

Kara almost choked on her food. Maggie and Lena burst out laughing.

Nia smirked. "You guys didn't know? We all have fans and we all have ship-names with each other."

"Unlike you, we try not to read anything about us." Sam replied without judgement, they just had different opinions on the matter.

"Oh but it's so much fun! There's even—"

"Nope, I don't think anyone here wants to hear it, Dreamer." Lena said with a tone that didn't leave room for argument. Nia laughed and continued eating. Lena didn't really mind, she was famous long before this mission and was used to rumors and fans. She just didn't pay attention to it and didn't want the other women to feel awkward about it.

"Anyway... how did Ruby take it?"

Sam got closer. "She loves you, Alex. She's been waiting for ages for this. Her words." She kissed her girlfriend's forehead.

"Good. I'll talk to her tomorrow."

"She'll like that."

Soo, this time i am on time. I hope you enjoy it!!
I might start uploading 2 chapters a week. But i have to think about it a little more. :b

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