Chapter 26

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Day 17 on Mars

"Luthor! Reign!"

"What is it Sawyer?"

"Where's Lena?"

"Sawyer! What is it?!"

"There's a dust storm East from here, it wasn't huge but... I can't hear them anymore."

Sam wanted to throw up right there and then.
When Kara entered the room both women froze. Not that Sam was doing much else before, but Maggie at least was trying. "Lena is in the bathroom, what happened?"

"We lost communications with Danvers and Dreamer." If she kept it professional maybe, maybe she could forget for a moment about the fact that those were her two best friends. Unlikely, but still.

Kara didn't have time to process because there was a sudden static sound coming from the speakers. She was right next to Maggie in an instant and they kept trying to make the signal better.

Five minutes later, Lena was never going to forget the scene she walked into that day. Maggie was yelling at Kara, who was trying to put her suit on, and Sam was trying to work on the radio but her mind was clearly not in it. She'd never seen her so scared.
"Sawyer! What's happening?!"

They filled her in. Dust storm. Lost comms. Kara wanting to recklessly leave. Lena not only knew how to function in these situations, she excelled at them. "Reign, go drink some water and get my computer. I'll try to work on the radio. Supergirl, stop that right now, get yourself together and come help me. Sawyer, keep monitoring the storm."

"Lena, I have to—"

"Supergirl. What you have to do is remember your training and your mission. And trust that we're talking about two very capable women out there. They'll be fine. But they might need our help from here. They wouldn't want us doing rushed heroic shit that could get ourselves killed."

Kara nodded and left the suit be. She took a seat beside Lena.

Lena asked her for help with a few things and while her girlfriend did them, she rested a hand on Kara's thigh and whispered. "She'll be fine, they both will. We gotta keep it together."

"I know. I'm sorry."

"Don't be. I love you." Lena pressed her lips to Kara's forehead before continuing with her work.

An hour later, there was still no progress and no news. At least the dust storm seemed to be a really minor one and already ending.

And then they heard the first door opening and closing. Then the second one. They all exhaled, until—

"I lost Alex."

There was never a more deafening silence.
Nia started stripping while pacing, an impressive feat in any other moment. "When we saw the dust storm coming it was too late, we were like ten feet away from each other and it all happened so fast. The dust hit me and I fell and I'm pretty sure she fell too, but I couldn't see anything, and I think the comms got damaged, I don't know, because it doesn't look like any other part of the suit broke." She was clearly trying not to cry.

Once out of her suit, Maggie ran towards her and hugged her tight. "I'm glad you're okay. Sit down, I'll get you some water."

Lena cleared her throat. "Yes. We're all glad you're okay, Nia. We're gonna need more details, though."

"I know." So she did just that. She told them Alex was ahead of her and that the wind probably pushed her even further East. She explained how she tried to find her before coming back but once she saw an opening she had to take it to let them know.

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