Chapter 21

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Day 1 on Mars

A final violent thump.
It wasn't smooth. But it was a good landing anyway.
A good landing.
On Mars.

"You did it!"

Nia could hear Maggie's smile so she returned it.
"We did it!"

"We're on Mars!" Their laughter was actually relief and they all knew it, they all felt it.

After what felt like an eternity but it was barely fifty minutes, they got the all-clear from Houston. They could go outside whenever they were ready.

And they were, they were ready and excited. They were also feeling Mars' gravity on every part of their bodies, even if it was less than half of the gravity on Earth, it was still a lot after months without any.

They sat there for a minute, trying to come to terms with what just happened, with what they were about to do.

Alex did not want to be the first one to set foot on Mars, but they'd all agreed she deserved to be. She'd argued, for days, that Kara or any of them deserved it more.

But if there was one thing they all had in common was the stubbornness.

They reached an agreement, Alex would go down first but Kara would get to say the famous first words. She was better at that and both of them would be equally remembered that way, as they should be:
the Danvers sisters, first humans on Mars.

So Alex opened the door and started going down, slowly. Step by step, taking in everything she was seeing and feeling.

It was strange, the moment her feet touched the ground, it didn't feel different from Earth. She wished she could take off her helmet and smell the new air. She didn't go far, she actually stayed right there and kept her eyes on Kara to see if she needed help.

Kara locked eyes with her sister the moment she stood on the planet. Her smile was wider than ever.

"I love you, Alex. And I love this whole crew: Nia, Maggie, Lena, Sam. Everyone who worked hard with us to make this possible but stayed on Earth, every country that helped and every country that couldn't but was still rooting for us. Yeah, this is a great human achievement, and a personal dream for many of us. But none of it means anything without other people. We do this for the next generation of humans. We do this out of love for our planet, our universe and our people. So, yeah, if everyone on Earth is listening to me right now I just want you to know that you should never lose hope because anything is possible, especially when you're surrounded by the people you love."

They were all down there by the time she finished the speech, so naturally they jumped on her to give her the first human group-hug on Mars.

Kara didn't really know what she was going to say beforehand. She just knew that if her first words were going to be immortalized, she needed to name every single one of the people she came here with. And once she looked into Alex's eyes she decided she would speak from the heart.

They're on Marsss ,finally. I hope you enjoyed this chapter and also Karas speech, i tried my best. I know that its technically Friday already but it doesn't count. Have a nice day<333

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