Chapter 10

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Day 34

Maggie knew that she would be able to move on from Alex Danvers. She would, if only they would have had some time to spend apart. They'd tried to keep their distance but they still had to train and work together. It wasn't easy when the cause of the break-up wasn't that they didn't work as a couple, or that one of them had already moved on. It wasn't easy at all when Alex was right there and she was always so... Alex.

But she had come to realize that having Alex as a friend was better than not having her at all. Being just co-workers wasn't working for them, they cared too much about each other, so she had to try. And she was, she was trying and it felt natural and good and easy. Until certain feelings wanted to resurface and Maggie had to back down for a bit, then it was all very hard.

That day was one of those days, so she just wanted to have a little alone time to gather her thoughts and feelings. She could have gone to her sleeping pod — she should have gone to her sleeping pod — instead of going to one of these nooks, they all used them with similar purposes. In fact, Nia was reading in the first one she tried so she should have gone back then, any other place really would've been better.

Because seeing Alex kissing Sam was not exactly the inner peace she was hoping to find.

"Oh God, I'm sorry!"

Alex froze but Sam floated away from her, so she could see Maggie turning around to leave. "Maggie, wait!"

Maggie heard her but just pushed herself forward and hoped Alex wouldn't follow.

Alex was torn between following Maggie and resuming what was happening with Sam... Sam, who had just finally kissed her after days of flirting and weird tension between them. Sam, who'd been having feelings for her for longer than she cared to admit but claimed that it never felt like the right time for them. Sam, her best friend since college and the woman whose lips were just on hers — pressing, moving, tasting, giving, demanding... smiling, because Alex's lips were responding tenfold.

"Sorry" she mumbled, glancing at Sam without meeting her eyes, before going after Maggie.

Maggie. Her ex. The woman who got her to be herself. The first girl she ever loved. The woman she thought she could've married if they didn't want different things from life. The one she was trying to be friends with, again.

"Sawyer, wait up!" Alex gave herself a good push to go faster. She caught up with her quickly and grabbed her foot.

"Rude, Danvers. Let go."

"Will you stop and talk with me?"

"It's fine, Alex." Maggie sighed, then slowly turned around.

Alex let go of her. "It's obviously not fine."

"I was just surprised, that's all."

"Maggie, I know you, I know what you look like when you're surprised even when it's not a good kind, this isn't it. I'm sorry you had to see that."

"How long?"


"How long has that been going on? I thought we were starting to be friends...?"

"I... it literally just happened. Sam just kissed me and next thing I knew you were there."

Maggie suddenly felt like she was on the ground, going outside for the first time in weeks, feeling the breeze on her face and the air entering her body again. "Oh. So, you two are not a thing? You didn't want to—?"

"I didn't say that."

Back to reality, there were walls everywhere and someone had probably turned off the ventilation system? That didn't seem safe. "Oh."

"I don't know what's gonna happen with Sam. It's not like I gave us time to have a conversation about it just now, but I do know that I'd like to try... you know, with her... But I'm sorry you had to find out this way. Are you okay?"

"Alex, I... " 'I' what? 'I have to go?' 'I love you?' 'I'm okay?'? Was she okay? "I need some time... I'll be fine."

"Okay. Whatever you need. I'm sorry."

Maggie nodded and gave her a small smile. But as soon as she saw Alex turning around she realized she couldn't let her leave like that, "Hey, Danvers! Stop being sorry. You didn't do anything wrong."

It wasn't until a couple of days later, after sorting through her feelings alone, and a bit with Nia's help, that Maggie understood something: this was exactly what she needed to finally move on. Knowing that Alex was happy — or at least on her way to being happy with someone else — made everything actually better and gave her hope that she could also find someone else. What's more important, they could be friends without having to walk on eggshells around each other. This was it.

So... i finished it just in time. I hope you enjoyed it, if you do maybe you can leave some kudos<33

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