Chapter 3

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Kara had never been alone with Lena socially, and even while training there were very few times they had to be alone. Kara remembered those times very well, those were the same few times she had made a lot of mistakes on the job. If anyone asked, it was purely a coincidence.

They walked towards the car quietly. Once inside, Kara needed to fill the silence with anything. "Um, thanks. For the ride, I mean. I didn't want Alex to have to leave because I wanted to, so thank you, um, for noticing that too."

"Of course." Of course she would give her a ride. Of course she also wanted Alex to stay. Of course she noticed Kara, she'd always had. Lena always wanted to get close to her but she always seemed out of her reach. "So, how excited are you, Miss Second In Command?"

Kara's whole face lit up. Having Lena teasing her like that, the same way she did with Alex or Sam, felt too good. Even though her brain stopped working because of it, she could talk about this without her nerves getting in the way, "Gosh, I'm so excited! We're going to Mars, Lena, Mars!" Lena laughed, delighted with her enthusiasm, "And I'm going with my sister! I couldn't ask for anything better, honestly. It still doesn't feel real, though, you know? Like I might wake up tomorrow and this day never actually happened or something."

"I know. It's a dream come true and I don't think I'll fully believe it at least until launch day. And I understand what you mean about your sister, I get to go with my best friends and I think that's the best part of all of this." Her best friends and the girl she'd been crushing on since the program started, but she was not going to dwell on that while the girl in question was sitting right next to her. "It's crazy about Maggie, though. How do you really think Alex is going to handle that?"

"I honestly don't know. She's a professional, they both are, but I don't think they're over each other. The fact that there's going to be only six of us in one place for that long..."

"You think they're going to get back together?"

"Well, it's not like Alex is going to have kids before she gets back, so... yeah, I think they might." Kara sounded sad about that prospect.

"You're worried about her."

Kara snapped her head to her side and blinked at her. Lena wasn't even looking at her and she was still able to notice things most people didn't. This new fact that Kara was learning about Lena made her crush grow a lot. She was insightful and thoughtful and Kara was not ready for this. "Um, yeah... I am." She'd done a good job talking before when she was watching the road. Still, taking her eyes off Lena wasn't an option anymore. This was about Alex. She could do it. "It's just— She was so heartbroken when they broke it off, I don't want her to go through that again."

"Well, we still have a year before it's just us. They still have time to move on. And Alex is smart. As long as the reason they ended things is still there, I don't think she'll allow herself to do it again."

"I hope you're right."

Lena smirked and for a brief moment she turned her head towards Kara, "I think you'll find I mostly am."

She said it with the same teasing tone she used before, but this time Kara could also see the twinkle in her eyes that came with it. Naturally, she almost jumped off the moving car to avoid an awkward laugh or incoherent response. She didn't do either thanks to Lena turning the music on.

"Oh my God, I love this song!" Kara couldn't believe 'Tearin' Up My Heart' was playing.

"Alex might have mentioned once or twice your love for N*SYNC when she heard me
talking about them"

"What?! You like them too?" Kara seemed as excited about this as she was about going to Mars.

Lena laughed, "Like them? I'm a huge fan. What's your favorite song?"

They spent the rest of the ride fangirling about the band and other 90's music. When they arrived, Kara thanked her again and entered her building. She noticed that Lena didn't leave until she was safe inside and it was just another new thing to like about the woman. Once she was alone she let herself think that she was completely doomed. How was she supposed to live for four hundred and seventy-nine days with Lena Luthor looking like she did and being the way she was and not fall in love with her?

Oh well... 3rd chapter out and already behind schedule. I tried my best, i hope you like it
And happy new year btw!!
Next chapter will come out 6th January(hopefully) :)

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