Chapter 14

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Day 55


Lena was startled by the sudden shout from someone who wasn't even in the lab a second ago. "What the hell, Alex?"

"You're literally a genius!! You could've made one of those little rooms with at least enough gravity for me to be able to have enjoyable sex!"

Oh, this was ridiculous. "Believe it or not, Alex, I had better things to do than thinking about what your sex life in space was going to be like."

"Pfft, what about your sex life, huh? Are we going to keep pretending that you'd rather have the guys here??"

"When were we pretending that? In any case, even if I wanted to, who would I have sex with, Alex? Because Nia's straight, Maggie's your ex, Sam's always been into you, which rules out both of you, and your sister's asexual."

Alex was taken aback by that. She regarded Lena for a moment and much calmer than before she said, "You could go for Maggie, you know? I wouldn't mind."

"What?! No, that's not even the point. Sex was never an option for me here, I knew I just wouldn't—" She suddenly realized who she was talking to. "Just stay out of it, Alex."

"Wait, no..." Oh, no. Alex figured it out. Lena knew right then that she was definitely not graced with the superpower of teleportation or this would be the moment when she would've discovered it, she would already be very far away from this place. "Do you like Sam?"

Lena's eyes widened. Alex had not figured it out. She wanted to laugh but the Commander looked too pained and guilty, like she took something from her. "God, Alex, no. I'm seriously happy for you two, it's not that."

Alex didn't look convinced, "Lena, I know I can be oblivious and my gaydar is shit but I have eyes. I saw you smiling at your phone more than once back home. And ever since we got here you've been distracted, the way anyone is when they like someone."

"I promise, Alex, I don't have feelings for Sam other than friendly unconditional love."

"Ok. Is it someone on Earth then? Is it Kelly? 'Cause I mean, I get it, she's hot—"

"No!" Alex was not going to let this go, and Lena was attacked by a few flashbacks of Kara sarcastically telling her sister 'You? Pushy? Never.'. She could lie, but what good would that do? Sam already knew anyway, it was a matter of time before Alex found out. So she powered through it. "I do like someone. But even if she did feel the same way about me, she wouldn't want to have sex with me."

"Luthor, have you seen yourself? Why wouldn't she— Oh my God, you're crushing on my sister???"

"Yes. Can you drop it now?"

"Nope, there's no gravity."

Lena rolled her eyes. "Great, then you won't fall if I do this." Lena pushed her playfully and Alex began floating away from the lab.

Alex wasn't finished, though, so she just held onto the walls and stayed there. "Seriously though, it's okay. I hope she likes you too, you know? I always thought no one would be good enough for her in my eyes, but you definitely are."

The sincerity in Alex's eyes and words was too much for Lena, she had to look away, blushing. "I—"

"I'm still mad at you, though... so selfish. If Kara wasn't ace I bet this whole thing would have gravity."

"Oh my God, Alex. Just hold on to each other really tight, I don't know, I'm sure you can find a way to do it, now get out of here!"

Let me know if you enjoy this chapter. I hoe you have a wonderful weekend <333

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