Chapter 17

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Day 109

Nia was done. Why did she ever think it would be fun to be up in space, locked up for so long, with a group full of useless lesbians?
She had no idea.
She knew that technically they were not all lesbians, but they were all women with current things with other women so she was going to call them useless lesbians when talking about them as a group in her own mind.

First, there was the whole Alex/Maggie avoiding each other, which started on Earth really. Then she had to witness Sam and Alex flirting, which led to more Alex/Maggie drama — that thankfully ended soon enough and now they seemed to be in a good place.

And then... Then she had to walk in, well, float in on Alex and Sam having sex. Because apparently they'd finally been enjoying it, since like a month ago. And she would love to say that that was the worst thing she had to witness, but nope.

Because Kara 'Panromantic Disaster' (her words, not Nia's) Danvers was on this spaceship. And Kara was pining, and it was painful to watch.

"Supergirl, you're staring. Again."

"Huh? Sorry?" Then, Kara seemed to realize what was said and who said it. She turned to Nia, "What? Me? Stari—? Pfft, no I wasn't."

"Sure... then I didn't just totally take a picture of you not-staring to send to Brainy later."

"You wouldn't!"

"I totally would and I did because you were totally staring at your girl."

"She's not my—" A fake or nervous laugh came out of Kara's mouth and Nia could not take this anymore.

"Kara, please stop. Even people on Twitter can see it." To her delight, Kara not only listened, but her cheeks turned red. "It's okay to like Lena. Hell, I'm straight and I would totally go gay for her."

"Nia! Tha—"

"What I don't understand is why you haven't done anything yet"
"I... I can't..."

"Sure you can! You go over there and say 'Hey Lena, you're so beautiful I can't seem to stop looking at you. Wanna make out?', simple."

"Okay, I'm leaving now."

"Great, you got this!"

"In the opposite direction, Dreamer. Goodnight!"


So, okay, maybe she could have a little fun with these love-sick idiots. But seriously, how did Kara never notice Lena's own intense — and very gay — gaze at her whenever she turned around? How could two people, two of the smartest people in the world, be so oblivious to what was right in front of them?
She really didn't want to intervene but again, and she couldn't stress this enough, it was painful to watch. The longing looks, the hugs or little touches that always lasted a second or two (or thirty) longer than necessary, the little smirks, the lip-bites— Oh, for the gayest of Gods, THE LIP-BITES! Who bites their lip while talking to a friend? What was that? Both of them did it! Why hadn't anyone else said anything about that? Were they all blinded by the solar flare and Nia was the only one seeing all those interactions?
She didn't want to intervene, but something needed to be done.

I know its a day late, i will try to be on time next week!! I hope you enjoy it and happy easter<33

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