Chapter 25

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Day 15 on Mars

Kara and Alex were a bit away from camp, on their suits of course, exploring the area.

After a few minutes of walking in silence, Alex decided to finally bring the subject up. "Hey, what's going on?"

"What do you mean? Nothing's going on. We're collecting rocks and seeing if we can find water... or a martian."

"Kara. You know what I mean. You've been avoiding Lena for days, we've all noticed."

Kara stopped walking suddenly, which caused Alex to turn to her, concern all over her face. "Alex, I..." Kara's eyes were filling with tears, she was clearly having a hard time breathing.

Alex hated herself for bringing this up now, when she couldn't touch her sister and her helmet was probably making things worse for her.
She grabbed her arms and tried to soothe her anyway. "Hey, it's okay. In and out."

Kara did, she closed her eyes and gave herself a minute. Then, "I love her, Alex."

"I know you do, she knows you do. What's the problem? Did she do something? Because I swear to God, I don't care if we need her to go back, I'll—"

"No! Alex, you know she wouldn't!"

Alex did know. She also knew her sister wasn't finished, she was just gathering her thoughts. So she waited for her to continue. But then she didn't, she just sighed and sat there on the spot instead. On the ground, in the middle of nowhere, on Mars. She looked like a sad lonely puppy and Alex kicked herself for not having seen it before.

"Is it the sex thing?" Alex asked almost too quietly while sitting down next to her.

"You and I both know how this always ends..."

"Lena is not Mon-el, Kara. She's not like anyone else really."

Kara faced her sister and gave her a sad smile. "You noticed that too?"

Alex rolled her eyes. "Did you talk to her?"

"What? No! How—? I can't—"

"Kara." Alex took her hand. "She knows you're asexual, she's okay with it, she even... no, you know what? I'm not having this conversation with you. You should talk to your girlfriend."

"But Alex—"

"Kara, if I was the one doubting Lena right now you'd be fighting me, probably with more than just words."

"I'm not doubting her—"

"Yes, you are. If you don't think you can be honest with her, if you feel the need to avoid her when you just started your relationship, you're not giving her enough credit. That woman is unbelievably good and she loves you. I honestly don't think there's anyone better in the whole universe for you. So please, stop moping around and talk to her."

"I will."

The rest of the time was spent in a comfortable silence that Alex knew Kara needed.
When they got back, Kara took off her suit and went to her room. Lena was sitting on her bed looking like she was waiting for something, probably her if the look she threw her way when she saw her was any indication. Lena also signaled for her to sit beside her so, yeah, she was waiting for her.

Lena could tell that Kara was nervous but at least she did sit beside her even if she was staring at her feet. "It seems that you and Alex forgot that I was the one listening on the comms today."

Kara's head snapped up, their eyes met and she was clearly scared. How could she be so stupid?! They always had someone listening just in case something happened. "Oh my God, Lena, I'm so sorry. I wanted to talk to you, I just—"

"It's okay."

Kara felt Lena's hand on her cheek and she instantly relaxed. "Is it really?"

"I'm honestly relieved because that was one of my theories on why you were avoiding me. Though my insecurities got the better of me and I thought maybe you were regretting this, regretting us."

"No! Of course not! I'm sorry I avoided you."

"You can make it up to me later." Lena tried so hard to say that without any teasing tone that could be misinterpreted that it sounded almost robotic. At least it made Kara laugh so she would count it as a win.

After a few seconds Kara was visibly anxious again. "I don't want to lose you."

"You won't."

"You'll want to have sex at some point."

"I can have sex with myself just fine."



"I'm serious, it's happened before, it always happens. Maybe it's a week from now, maybe it's two years down the line, but at some point you'll want something I can't give you."

"Have you dated me before and I wasn't aware?"


"Kara, I've been attracted to you since the moment I met you. I haven't had sex with anyone in that time, even before that if I'm honest, and I'm not dying to either."


"No 'buts'. Yes, I think you're incredibly hot and I would love to be physically intimate with you — which doesn't exclusively mean sex, by the way — but only if that's also what you want. I just want us both to be happy and comfortable with each other. Whenever I think about my future with someone, even before I met you, I always think of having a best friend, someone I can be myself with and vice versa, someone I can cuddle with, someone to kiss every morning and every night. I want intimacy but an emotional one. I'm not gonna say I don't love having sex, because I do, but that's so far down the list that it doesn't even matter. I'm in love with you, Kara, not with your body nor with the possibility of sex."

How was it possible to fall even more in love? How was Lena Luthor even a real person? How did she ever get this lucky? Kara would never know and she was certainly never going to complain. She caressed the perfect face of her girlfriend and leaned in until their lips touched.
It was so sweet. Lena was always so careful and let Kara set the pace, never demanding more, never doing anything other than showing her how much she loved her and making Kara fall deeper in the process.

"Wait. Wait." Lena broke the kiss. "Kara. I understand how you were feeling and I forgive you, but if this is going to work we need to talk to each other."

"You're right. I'm sorry. I promise I'll do better."

It would take time for Kara to fully trust that it wasn't going to be an issue in the long run, they both knew it. But she did trust Lena, and Kara had learned that as long they were open with each other, everything would be fine.

That night was the first time they slept in the same bed, holding each other. And from then on neither wanted to sleep any other way.

Its a longer chapter this time. What do you think? Let me know if you enjoyed it and have a great day<33

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