Chapter 29

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Day 32 on Mars | T-minus 1 hour to launch

It wasn't a failure. In a month they got to do most of what they had planned to do in three. They were that good. For all intents and purposes, the mission was well on its way to be a success. They only had to come back in one piece.

It was nerve-wracking knowing that the capsule was damaged enough that they could all die while trying to leave this planet. Rocks had collided against it, so there was external and some internal — unimportant, in theory — damage. There could also be something they hadn't seen, and they would only know about that something when it was too late.

Things could always go wrong on a mission like this, on launch day especially. They'd never faced worse odds than these, though.

The day before had been a chaos of emotions. Everyone sent video messages to Ruby and Eliza, to Brainy and a few of their other mutual friends. Maggie and Nia also sent one to their families and even Lena had sent a short one to Lillian. They were hopeful, they just needed to tell that to the people they loved.

The six of them hugged, laughed and cried watching their last sunset from Mars. They still found the whole thing quite surreal.

As expected, the control module was in bad shape. Even so, the launch was perfect. And according to Lena, they could totally fix most of the external damage before they had to land on Earth.

Docking to the ship wasn't as smooth, but after surviving the launch they didn't worry about that.

Seven months. Half of this adventure was already done.

209 days to Earth

They'd begun working right away. Anything they could think of doing to minimize the risk of burning on the Earth's atmosphere, they'd do it.

Even though they had to cut their mission short, they were all happy with it. It was, after all, a real dream come true. However, being that far away from Earth and from the Sun was getting to them. They were tired and they had a long trip ahead of them.

They knew that the only reason they weren't completely crazy by that time was because they had each other. Stronger together, as Kara would often remind them, and they were. The fact that they were not only co-workers, but friends — family, even — helped more than they thought possible.

There was this thing, though, that they were all secretly feeling. The trip to Mars had been unbelievably smooth. Everything had gone so well it seemed unreal. It made them feel that the odds were against them for their return journey.
And they were right.

Sorry for the delay!! I kinda have a writers block rn but i hope that i get over it soon:)
A shorter chapter this week but i hope you enjoy it nonetheless.
You reading this story makes my day<333

Keep smiling

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