Chapter 24

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Day 10 on Mars

It was late, everyone had gone to bed already, but Kara was still in the Bubble.

"You okay, Supergirl?"

Kara loved that voice so she turned around to see Lena coming towards her, wrapped in a blanket. It was adorable. "I'm fine, just looking at the stars."

"That's Earth, right?" Lena pointed to one of the brightest spots.

"Yeah, and that one's Phobos."

Lena sat beside her, got Kara to move close to her and put the blanket over both of them. "It's amazing."

"Yeah, everything's so different from here."

A minute, then two. Lena could feel her thinking, if that was even possible.

"Are you sure you're okay?"

"Yeah, just thinking that this is it. We really made our dream come true."

"Are you having a 'now what?' moment?" She smirked thinking about her next words, "Because you know that now you get to go find a new dream, right?"

That got a grin out of Kara. "Did you, Lena Luthor, just quote Tangled at me?"

"Maybe... It's true, though."

"It's also true that you're my new dream, Lena."

"You know I feel the same way, right? I love you, Kara."

Kara kissed her then and even though the moment seemed nice, Lena knew better. "Come on, let's go watch Tangled in bed. I know you really want to now."

"God, I love you."

And so they went. They cuddled in Lena's bed until the movie was over. Kara was too exhausted and too happy to think about anything else, but the worry was still in the back of her mind.
Lena didn't buy even for a second that she was fine, but she wasn't going to keep pushing. For now, she was just glad she could distract her for a little while. She watched Kara get into her own bed and fall asleep. She still couldn't believe they were there. Still had a hard time coming to terms with any of this. But the fact that Kara loved her back? That was the most unbelievable thing of all.

Sorry for the delay, i totally forgot to post this..
Let me know if you liked it, even though it's a bit short<33

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