Chapter #2

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Excitement and nervous anticipation tangled within Alexia's chest like a pair of duelling dragons as she finalized cleaning her room, she wanted it to be perfect before Hermione's arrival. The prospect of seeing Hermione in just a couple of minutes sent a surge of adrenaline through her veins. Thoughts of their shared adventures, laughter, and the unspoken magic beneath the moonlit trees fueled her anticipation. 

Alexia's mind raced with vivid images of the impending reunion. Hermione's warm smile, the familiar cadence of her voice, and the way her eyes sparkled with intelligence formed a vivid collage in Alexia's thoughts.

The serene ambience of Alexia's room in the Jackson household was interrupted by the gentle creak of the door. Isadora entered, her expression a mixture of weariness and concern. Alexia, surrounded by the familiar trappings of her room, looked up.

"Alexia, there's been a change of plans," Isadora began, her voice carrying a weight that hinted at complexity.

Alexia paused, her brow furrowing in curiosity. "What's going on, Mum?"

Isadora sighed, her hand absently caressing her rounded belly. "I'm not feeling well, and travelling alone with you might be a bit much right now. I've asked Adrian to accompany you to London."

The mention of Adrian's name hung in the air like an unspoken challenge. Alexia's eyes narrowed, a flicker of resistance surfacing. "Adrian? Mum, I can handle travelling alone. Why does he need to come with me?"

Isadora's gaze held a mix of maternal concern and exhaustion. "I know you can, dear, but, this is London we're talking about, you've never been there by yourself, besides, Adrian insisted, and I think having someone there might be helpful. He's waiting downstairs. Please, for me?"

The request tugged at Alexia's sense of loyalty, and she reluctantly nodded. "Fine, Mum. If it makes you feel better, I'll go with Adrian."

A faint smile played on Isadora's lips, a mix of gratitude and weariness. "Thank you, Alexia. I appreciate your understanding. The Floo Network is waiting."

As Isadora left the room, Alexia couldn't shake the lingering unease. The prospect of travelling with Adrian, someone she mistrusted, cast a shadow over the excitement of the journey. With a sigh, she turned to look at the picture of her father smiling at her, with his broom in hand, the weight of the change in plans settling like an unspoken challenge in the air.

"I don't know a lot about you, Dad, but I feel like you wouldn't like Adrian either."

As she descended the stairs to meet Adrian, the ancient magic within Alexia seemed to pulse in silent protest. The journey to London, once a straightforward adventure, now bore the complexities of unexpected companionship.

Adrian offered Alexia a courteous smile. His usual veneer of self-assuredness seemed momentarily softened, replaced by an expression that held a touch of sincerity. The Slytherin insignia on his robes gleamed subtly, a stark contrast to the genuine warmth in his eyes. 

"Alexia," Adrian greeted, his voice carrying a note of genuine friendliness. "I hope you're ready for the journey. A friend of mine has a Floo Powder station real close to your friend's house, available for us."

Alexia, still adjusting to the change in atmosphere, regarded Adrian with a cautious nod. Her scepticism lingered, but for the first time, she noticed a sincerity in his eyes that went beyond the practised charm she had grown accustomed to.

"Thanks," she replied, a flicker of surprise in her own voice. The unspoken tension that usually accompanied their interactions seemed to lift momentarily, leaving room for a tentative understanding. 

whispers (h.g x fem oc) book 2Where stories live. Discover now