Chapter #28

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Ron and Hermione are walking out of the Great Hall, looking for Alexia and Harry as since Moody took them they haven't seen them. Ron and Hermione spot Harry walking towards them accompanied by Mrs. Weasley and Isadora, Hermione's heart skips a beat. She feels a surge of nervousness coursing through her veins, unsure of how Isadora feels about her relationship with Alexia.

"Hey, Harry!" Ron calls out, breaking the tension with his usual cheerfulness.

Harry smiles in response. Mrs Weasley greets them warmly, but Hermione's attention is drawn to Isadora, who stands beside Harry with a calm demeanour.

"Hello, Hermione," Isadora says, her voice carrying a hint of warmth. Hermione offers a tentative smile, feeling the weight of uncertainty pressing down on her.

"Hi, Isadora- I mean, Miss Jackson," Hermione greets, trying to mask her nerves with politeness.

Hermione holds her breath, waiting for Isadora's reaction. Memories of their previous encounters flit through her mind, but this time, everything feels different. Hermione is Alexia's girlfriend this time, and Isadora is not just any parent—she's Alexia's mother.

Isadora's gaze meets hers, and Hermione searches for any sign of disapproval or judgment. Instead, she finds only a soft smile and a nod of acknowledgement.

"It's nice to see you again, Hermione," Isadora says, her tone sincere. "Remember, is just Isadora." she winks playfully and relief floods through Hermione, and she manages a genuine smile in return.  "Thank you, Isadora. It's a pleasure to see you again."

They continue their conversation, Hermione can't shake the feeling of gratitude towards Isadora for her acceptance. She realizes that despite her initial worries, Isadora's presence brings a sense of reassurance, hinting at a promising future for their relationship with Alexia.

As they chat, Harry glances around, his brows furrowing in concern. "Have either of you seen Alexia?" he asks, his tone tinged with worry.

Hermione shakes her head. "No, I thought she was with you," she admits, her own concern mounting.

Isadora listens to their conversation attentively, her expression reflecting her growing eagerness to see her daughter. "I'm sure she'll be back soon," she reassures them, though a hint of worry flickers in her eyes.

Harry nods in agreement. "Yeah, she's probably just helping Professor Moody with some last-minute arrangements for the third task," he suggests optimistically, though his concern lingers beneath the surface.

Despite his attempts to ease their worries, Hermione can sense the underlying tension in Harry's voice. She exchanges a knowing glance with Ron, silently acknowledging their shared concern for their friend's safety. As they wait for Alexia's return, Hermione can't help but hope that everything is indeed as Harry speculates—a harmless delay due to the final preparations for the task ahead. 

Isadora approaches Hermione with a warm smile, her eyes radiating genuine affection as she addresses the young witch. "Hermione, dear, may I have a word with you in private?" she asks gently.

Hermione's heart skips a beat, a mixture of nerves and anticipation coursing through her. She nods, trying to mask her apprehension with a smile. "Of course, Isadora," she replies, her voice tinged with curiosity.

As they move aside for privacy, Isadora's expression softens, even more, her maternal warmth evident in every word she speaks. "I just wanted to say how happy I am that you and my Alexia have found each other," she begins, her tone filled with genuine warmth and sincerity. "You're not just her girlfriend, Hermione, you're a part of our family now," Isadora continues, her words carrying a sense of heartfelt acceptance and inclusion.

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