Chapter #13

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Almost 4K words, this chapter is gonna be a rollercoaster

Amidst the brisk November air, Alexia strolled across the school grounds, savouring the fleeting moments of solitude (Professor Moody took Harry to his classroom, wanting to give him some advice). The crunching leaves beneath her shoes provided a calming soundtrack as she marvelled at the enchanting atmosphere of Hogwarts. However, her solitary musings were disrupted by the familiar sound of her name being called.

"Alex! Alex!" Hermione's voice rang out, carrying both urgency and relief. Turning towards the source, Alexia spotted Hermione hurrying toward her with a bright smile. The tension from earlier seemed to dissipate as Hermione enveloped Alexia in a warm hug.

"Where have you been all morning? I've been looking for you everywhere!" Hermione exclaimed, her eyes wide with concern.

Alexia chuckled, the softness of Hermione's smile soothing any lingering unease. "Just taking a stroll, enjoying the weather. What's going on?"

Hermione's expression shifted. "Don't act like you didn't disappear all morning! Where have you been?"

Alexia's eyebrows shot up in fake surprise. "I'm actually surprised you noticed my absence."

Hermione hesitated for a moment before frowning. "What do you mean? Of course I would notice if you're not here!"

With a nonchalant shrug, Alexia replied, "It looks like you were rather busy with Victor Krum when I saw you two in the library."

The serene atmosphere clashed with the brewing storm between them. Hermione's features tightened, a subtle edge creeping into her voice. "What business is it of yours, Alex? I can talk to whomever I want."

Alexia, caught off guard by Hermione's defensive stance, tried to maintain a calm demeanour. 

"I'm just asking. No need to get defensive."

Hermione's frustration bubbled to the surface. "Defensive? You're the one questioning me about who I talk to. What right do you have to be mad?"

A pause hung in the air as the tension between them escalated. The backdrop of Hogwarts, usually a source of comfort, now seemed to amplify the strain in their friendship.

"You know what, Hermione? Forget I asked. It's none of my business," Alexia stated in her attempt at diffusing the situation.

Hermione, however, wasn't ready to let it go. "No, let's talk about this. You can't just barge in, asking about my conversations."

Alexia sighed, trying to quell the rising tension. "Fine, let's talk. I just thought we could share things. Isn't that what friends do?"

Hermione crossed her arms, her eyes still ablaze with irritation. "Friends don't interrogate each other. I have a right to some privacy."

As the tension between Alexia and Hermione lingered, an unexpected interruption occurred. A group of curious students, drawn by the buzz surrounding Alexia's ancient magic, approached with a barrage of questions.

"Alexia! Is it true you're the holder of the ancient magic?"

"Can you show us some magic right now?"

"What's it like having such a rare and powerful ability?"

Caught off guard by the sudden attention, Alexia shot a glance at Hermione, a wry smile playing on her lips. "Well, Hermione, looks like you're lucky to have your privacy. Mine seems to have taken a vacation."

Hermione, momentarily forgotten in the wake of the eager students, observed the scene with a mix of curiosity and unease. While the attention wasn't directed at her, the strain between her and Alexia lingered beneath the surface. The unexpected intrusion served as a temporary distraction, leaving the two friends in a peculiar limbo, neither fully engaged in the argument nor able to reconcile their differences amid the growing fascination surrounding Alexia's newfound status.

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