Chapter #8

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In the serenity of the Jackson residence, Isadora moved through the rooms, her thoughts consumed by the recent events that had shaken the wizarding world. Sirius Black had escaped Azkaban and everybody was after him.

As Isadora entered the living room, her eyes caught a fleeting glimpse of a large black dog outside the window. An inexplicable connection sparked within her, a sense of familiarity that defied logical explanation. The dog seemed to beckon her, drawing her attention.

"You idiot," Isadora whispers to herself as she mentions the dog to go around the house.

Disbelief and awe painted Isadora's face as she realized the impossible truth. She opened the door, and with a wave of her wand, the curtains closed themselves.

"Sirius... is it really you?" Isadora whispered, her eyes searching his form for any sign of illusion.

The small living room of the Jackson residence became a witness to the miraculous transformation of Sirius Black from his Animagus form to a human. Isadora stood there, a mix of awe and amusement dancing in her eyes, as the large black dog morphed into the dishevelled, albeit free, Sirius.

As the last remnants of the transformation dissipated, Isadora couldn't contain her astonishment. "Merlin's beard, Sirius, that's quite the party trick you've got there."

Sirius, with a mischievous glint in his eyes, offered a cheeky grin. "Always knew how to make an entrance, didn't I? Azkaban doesn't dull my sense of drama."

Isadora couldn't help but chuckle at his comment, relief washing over her. The hug that followed was tight, filled with the weight of years spent apart and the joy of an unexpected reunion.

Once the embrace loosened, Isadora couldn't let Sirius off the hook without a stern word. "Sirius Black, you escaped Azkaban! Do you have any idea how worried we were?!"

Sirius, feigning innocence, responded with a nonchalant shrug. "Oh, come on, Isadora, where's your sense of adventure? Azkaban was getting a bit dull."

Isadora crossed her arms, giving him a mockingly stern look. "Dull? Dull, he says! Breaking out of a high-security wizarding prison just to spice things up a bit, you truly are a wizard of unparalleled brilliance."

Sirius chuckled, appreciating Isadora's playful scolding. "Well, I couldn't let you and the little one have all the excitement, now could I?"

Their banter filled the room, a testament to the enduring camaraderie between them. Isadora, despite her scolding, couldn't hide the genuine joy of having her friend back.

The laughter echoed through the walls of the Jackson residence, a welcome melody that signalled the return of Sirius Black to the warmth of friendship and the unpredictable dance of life.

As Isadora conjured a simple but hearty meal for Sirius, the aroma of home-cooked food wafted through the air, filling the room with a comforting atmosphere. Sirius, savouring the first bites, couldn't help but let curiosity take hold of his inquiries.

Between bites, he asked, "So, how's my favourite niece doing? I've been around Avalon's End for a while, but I've got a feeling she's been up to some mischief."

Isadora chuckled, shaking her head. "Oh, Sirius, Mischief is practically her middle name. But she's been doing well, growing into quite the remarkable young witch. In fact, right now, she's helping a friend with some Transfiguration homework. Although I have a feeling this Emily girl just made up that to spend time with Alexia, it's summer after all."

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