Chapter #9

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Timeline not 100% accurate

As the quartet navigates through the crowded hallways they chat while Alexia focuses on her schedule, eager to find her new classes. Suddenly, a high-pitched voice breaks through the hustle and bustle.

"Alexia! Alexia Jackson!"

She turns to see a young boy with a camera, and his enthusiasm is contagious. "Hi there! I'm Colin Creevey, and this is my little brother, Dennis. I'm a big fan of Harry Potter, and my brother is your biggest fan! I told him about your Quidditch season last year and now he loves you!"

As the Creevey brothers express their excitement, a wave of attention washes over Alexia. Students from various years cast curious glances, some with starry-eyed admiration, while others whisper and point in her direction. Alexia, unaccustomed to being the centre of attention, feels a bit uneasy with all the eyes on her.

Dennis, who can hardly contain his excitement, stammers, "Wow, Alexia Jackson! You're amazing! I've read about you! And I saw your pictures!"

Colin, camera in hand, eagerly asks, "Do you mind if I take a picture? It's for my scrapbook! And can you sign this? It's got Harry's autograph already."

Harry chuckles, enjoying how uncomfortable Alexia looks.

"Oh... Remember how you made fun of m-" Harry begins to whisper to Alexia with a smirk.

"Shut up." She replies, pushing Harry, while he, Ron and even Hermione chuckle.

Meanwhile, Dennis stares wide-eyed at Alexia seemingly starstruck by the unexpected encounter with one of his newfound magical heroes.

Alexia obliges, signing Colin's scrapbook and posing awkwardly for a picture.

Dennis, barely containing his awe, chimes in, "I can't believe I'm talking to Alexia Jackson! This is amazing!"

While Alexia appreciates the admiration, she squirms under the collective gaze. "Thanks, guys. It's nice to meet you both. But, um, I've got to find my first class. Maybe catch you later?"

Colin nods enthusiastically, snapping a quick picture as Alexia makes a hasty exit. The quartet continues through the corridors, the whispers and lingering glances gradually fading.

Ron chuckles, "Well, that was unexpected. You've got two new members for your  fan club now, Alexia!"

Alexia, feeling a mix of flattery and discomfort, replies, "Yeah, didn't see that coming. Let's just find our classes and blend in, alright?"

They laugh, although Hermione doesn't laugh long when they're stopped by a Slytherin student.

Daphne Greengrass, a poised Slytherin, known for her constant companionship with Pansy Parkinson, intercepted their progress with an air of urgency. The abrupt halt caught the quartet off guard, freezing them in the bustling corridor.

Before any of the friends could exchange a word, Daphne fixed her gaze on Alexia with an intensity that betrayed a matter of gravity. The usual light banter and camaraderie that typically accompanied the beginning of the school day were replaced by an unspoken tension.

"Alexia, I need to talk to you."

In response to the unspoken plea in Daphne's eyes, Alexia reluctantly nodded, acknowledging the need for a private conversation. She cast a glance at Hermione, who stood by with a quizzical expression and requested her to save a seat in the classroom. With that, Alexia followed Daphne, leaving behind the echoing footsteps of their friends and the promise of an ordinary first class for a rendezvous with the unexpected. 

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