Chapter #14

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As Alexia made her way to the Quidditch pitch for her unusual detention, a mix of frustration and determination filled her. The weight of the recent events hung heavy in the air, creating an awkward atmosphere around her. Despite the challenging circumstances, her eyes showed a glint of determination.

The Quidditch pitch, usually a place of excitement and joy for Alexia, now felt like an arena where she had to prove herself. The whispers and stares from fellow students fueled her determination even more. With each step, she mentally prepared herself for the upcoming detention, wondering how this peculiar punishment would unfold.

The chilly breeze across the pitch seemed to mirror the cool atmosphere surrounding her friendships. As she reached the open expanse of the pitch, Alexia took a deep breath, ready to face whatever awaited her in this unique detention. The setting sun cast long shadows, emphasizing the solitary path she walked, symbolic of the distance that had grown between her and her friends.

 Alexia stood alone on the Quidditch pitch, waiting for Professor McGonagall and the first years, the persistent whispers in her head grew louder. The mysterious voice seemed insistent, a source of irritation that sparked discomfort. Her brow furrowed in frustration, and she couldn't help but vocalize her exasperation.

"Enough already! I looked through the book, and there's nothing there," Alexia muttered to the invisible presence that seemed to torment her. The headache, and now this mysterious voice—everything felt like pieces of a puzzle she couldn't quite solve. Despite her irritation, she couldn't shake the feeling that there was more to the story, hidden in the depths of her mind.

As Alexia's eyes scanned the Quidditch pitch, she noticed Hermione walking towards the stands. The frustration from the mysterious whispers and the recent argument with Hermione lingered in her mind. The sight of Hermione's sad expression tugged at something inside her—a mixture of regret and a yearning for things to go back to the way they were.

However, Alexia, still caught up in her vexation, chose to ignore the conflicting emotions bubbling beneath the surface. The argument had left an unexpected strain on their friendship, and Alexia wasn't sure how to mend it. As she prepared for the unusual detention with Professor McGonagall and the first years, she couldn't shake the feeling that things were changing, and not necessarily for the better.

Professor McGonagall led a group of ten wide-eyed first years to the Quidditch pitch, their expressions alternating between excitement and nervousness. The anticipation of their first Quidditch lesson radiated through the group, and Alexia couldn't help but notice their mix of awe and fear.

She glanced at Hermione, who had taken a seat in the stands, still wearing a solemn expression. 

Alexia turned her attention back to the first years, realizing that her focus should be on the task at hand.

Professor McGonagall approached Alexia with a stern look, a clear indication that this wasn't an ordinary detention. "Miss Jackson, considering there's no Quidditch this year, I'm afraid our Gryffindor team might miss out on some hidden talents for the next season. Now, I have chosen you for a special task."

Alexia arched an eyebrow, curious about what awaited her.

"You'll be assisting these first years with their Quidditch abilities" McGonagall announced.

Alexia couldn't help but chuckle. "So, Professor, let me get this straight. Instead of chasing a Snitch, I'll be chasing after first-year students on broomsticks?"

McGonagall's stern expression softened, and a hint of amusement glinted in her eyes. "Precisely, Miss Jackson. I believe your Quidditch skills will come in handy for this task. Consider it a unique opportunity to showcase your talent in a different arena.", Professor McGonagall, her stern demeanour returning, leaned in slightly and warned Alexia in a firm tone, "Miss Jackson, should you leave even a minute earlier than required, you will find yourself with yet another detention. And I trust you haven't forgotten about your second detention due to the incident with Miss Greengrass. Hogwarts rules are to be followed, regardless of your Quidditch expertise."

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