Chapter #27

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The events of the past few days have been a whirlwind of revelations and revelations, each one more startling than the last, and Alexia finds herself struggling to keep up with the torrent of emotions that surge within her.

Her mind feels like a tangled web of thoughts and questions, each thread leading to another maze of uncertainty. The weight of her newfound knowledge presses down on her shoulders, dragging her further into the depths of mental fatigue.

Every revelation, every vision, every whispered warning from the mysterious voice in her head has left her drained and depleted as if each piece of the puzzle she uncovers only serves to deepen the mystery surrounding her existence.

As she sits at the breakfast table with her friends, the chatter and laughter around her fading into a distant murmur, Alexia can't help but feel the weight of exhaustion settle over her like a heavy blanket. She longs for a moment of respite, a chance to catch her breath and gather her thoughts amidst the chaos that swirls around her.

With a weary sigh, Alexia takes a sip of her orange juice, the cool liquid offering a brief moment of refreshment amidst the turmoil of her thoughts. She knows that the road ahead will be long and fraught with peril, but she also knows that she cannot afford to falter. For the sake of her friends, for the sake of her family, and for the sake of herself, she must find the strength to persevere, no matter how exhausted she may feel.

As Alexia's fatigue became more apparent, her friends couldn't help but feel concerned gnawing at their hearts, especially Hermione. They exchanged worried glances as they watched her struggle to eat, her movements slow and laboured, her usual vibrant energy diminished to a mere flicker.

Hermione's brow furrowed with worry, her gaze fixed on Alexia with a mixture of concern and affection. She could see the exhaustion etched in every line of her girlfriend's face, and it tugged at her heartstrings with a painful intensity. With each passing moment, Hermione's worry only seemed to deepen, a knot of anxiety tightening in her chest.

Ron and Harry, too, shared in Hermione's concern, their expressions mirroring her unease. They exchanged whispered words of worry, their voices hushed as they discussed Alexia's well-being. It was clear that they were all deeply troubled by her condition, each of them feeling a sense of helplessness in the face of her exhaustion.

Despite their concern, they knew that pushing Alexia to talk about it wouldn't help, so they remained by her side, offering silent support and understanding. They hoped that their presence alone would provide some comfort to their tired friend, knowing that sometimes, that was all they could do.

The morning mail arrives, and a beautiful brown owl lands softly in front of Alexia, a single letter for her. 

"I'll be right back," Alexia murmurs as she takes the letter and gets up from the table.

Harry, Ron and Hermione watch her leave, but Hermione sighs and gets up, "Me too,"

Hermione decides to follow Alexia, too worried to let her keep bottling her emotions inside her. 

As Hermione pulls Alexia into the nearby broom closet, Alexia's initial surprise gives way to a playful smirk when she realizes their location. With a mischievous glint in her eye, she can't resist making a quip to lighten the mood.

"Well, Hermione, I knew our relationship wasn't exactly out in the open, but I didn't think we'd be taking it this literally," Alexia teases, her tone light despite the weight of their conversation.

As Hermione looks at Alexia with concern etched on her features, Alexia can't help but feel a pang of guilt for trying to brush off her worries. With a heavy sigh, she knows she can't keep her girlfriend in the dark any longer.

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