Chapter #3

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After leaving the cosy Granger home, they return to the nice store where the Floo Powder station is located. The Floo Powder whisked them away from there to the magical ambience of Avalon's End. As the emerald flames subsided, Alexia, Hermione, and Adrian found themselves standing in the familiar station at the entrance of the village and began their walk to Alexia's home.

Isadora, sensing their arrival, emerged from the kitchen with a welcoming smile. "Welcome back, everyone! Hermione, it's lovely to have you here again."

Hermione greeted Isadora with a warm smile, reciprocating her genuine enthusiasm. "Thank you, Isadora. It's great to be back."

Isadora pulled Hermione into a tight hug, her maternal instincts shining through. "You're practically family by now, you're always welcome."

As they separated, Alexia, who had been standing by, stepped forward. "Let me help you with your trunk, Hermione. I'll show you to your room."

Hermione, grateful for the offer, followed Alexia up the stairs to the guest room.

 As Alexia led Hermione to the guest room, the warmth of the magical tapestries and the inviting atmosphere of the Jackson household enveloped them. Hermione couldn't help but feel grateful for the considerate gesture of having a separate room.

"Here you go, 'Mione. I hope you find everything you need. If there's anything you want, just let me or Mum know," Alexia offered with a friendly smile.

"Thank you, Alex. This is perfect," Hermione replied, genuinely appreciative of the thoughtfulness.

As Alexia turned to leave the room so Hermione could settle in, Hermione's thoughts echoed in the quiet space. I don't mind sharing a room with Alex. It might be nice to be close, especially during the summer. The notion lingered, a subtle undercurrent of something more than mere friendship. While Hermione unpacked and settled into the guest room, Alexia couldn't shake the mix of emotions swirling within her. The unspoken connection with Hermione, the shared moments of laughter and camaraderie, seemed to intensify in the familiar setting of Avalon's End.


The sun dipped low on the horizon, casting a warm golden glow over the village of Avalon's End. Alexia, having spent the afternoon tending to the garden behind the Jackson home, felt a gentle breeze carry the scent of blooming flowers.

Spotting Hermione sitting on the porch, Alexia couldn't resist the urge to share the magic of the village's surroundings. With a soft smile, she approached her.

"Hey, 'Mione," Alexia greeted, her eyes sparkling with enthusiasm. "How about a little stroll in the forest? It looks really nice this time of year."

Hermione looked up from the book she was reading, her eyes meeting Alexia's. "That sounds wonderful."

Alexia, with a twinkle in her eye, reached into the basket she was carrying and pulled out a single, exquisite rose.

"I've been growing these over the summer, and this is the very first one. Alexia said, presenting the rose to Hermione.

Hermione's eyes widened with delight as she accepted the delicate flower with a blush. "Oh, Alex, it's beautiful! Thank you."

With a shared smile, they entered the forest together. The dappled sunlight filtered through the leaves, creating a mosaic of shadows on the forest floor. The air was filled with the sweet scent of pine and the melody of birdsong.

As they strolled along the winding path, the silence between them was comfortable, punctuated by the occasional rustle of leaves and the soft murmur of the nearby stream. The magic of the forest seemed to amplify the unspoken connection between Alexia and Hermione.

whispers (h.g x fem oc) book 2Where stories live. Discover now