Chapter #17

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Amidst the Quidditch field, where the vibrant green of the grass met the endless expanse of the sky, Alexia found herself once again overseeing a rather amusing detention involving first years and a particularly elusive Golden Snitch. Young wizards and witches were stumbling over themselves, brooms jerking in every direction, and occasional shouts of surprise or frustration filled the air. Alexia found herself in a whirlwind of chaos, surrounded by the laughter and excitement of the inexperienced students.

As she intervened to prevent a young wizard from choking himself with the Snitch, she felt a familiar presence approaching. Turning around, she found Daphne, wearing a teasing smirk that hinted at mischief. Before Alexia could utter a word, she was enveloped in a surprising hug from the Slytherin.

"Well, that plan of ours worked," Daphne declared, a mischievous glint in her eyes. "Pansy and I are officially dating now."

Alexia blinked, momentarily taken aback by the unexpected turn of events. The plan they had concocted seemed to have yielded results beyond what she had anticipated. While still trying to process the information, she couldn't help but chuckle at the Slytherin's audacity.

"Well, well, the infamous plan actually worked," Alexia quipped, a grin spreading across her face. "I suppose I should congratulate you." Alexia's mischievous smirk deepened as she reminded Daphne of the deal they had struck in the library. She raised an eyebrow, awaiting Daphne's response. "Ah, the deal," Alexia teased. "If the matchmaking plan worked, you promised to join Hermione's S.P.E.W., right?"

Daphne sighed dramatically, though the amusement in her eyes betrayed any true reluctance. "Fine, fine. I'll honour the deal. But only because it worked like a charm. Pansy is surprisingly charming when she's not trying to hex someone."

Alexia chuckled, pleased with the successful outcome of their impromptu matchmaking scheme. The image of Daphne, usually composed and aloof, participating in Hermione's campaign for the rights of house-elves was both amusing and intriguing.

"Welcome to S.P.E.W., Daphne Greengrass," Alexia said, offering a playful salute. "I'm sure Hermione will be delighted to have a new recruit, especially one from Slytherin."

Daphne rolled her eyes but couldn't hide a small smile. "Don't get too excited. I'm only doing this because of the deal. And you owe me one now."

With that, the two witches returned to the chaos of the Quidditch field, each secretly enjoying the unexpected twists and turns that friendship and alliances could bring in the magical world of Hogwarts. Hermione's arrival on the Quidditch field did not go unnoticed by Alexia, and as if drawn by an invisible force, Alexia's eyes lit up at the sight of her. The frown on Hermione's face, however, didn't go unnoticed either. With an enthusiastic smile, Alexia turned to Hermione, her excitement palpable. "Hey, Hermione! You won't believe it, but Daphne here is joining S.P.E.W. Can you believe it? The cause is gaining momentum!"

Hermione's frown deepened momentarily, a mixture of surprise and scepticism crossing her features. "Daphne? Joining S.P.E.W.?" she asked, glancing between Alexia and Daphne. "Is this some sort of joke, Alex?"

Daphne, standing beside Alexia, gave a half-hearted shrug. "Don't expect me to knit hats for house-elves anytime soon."

Hermione, despite her initial surprise, couldn't hide her excitement. "That's fantastic news! We could use all the support we can get. Welcome to S.P.E.W., Daphne!"

Daphne smirked at Alexia, acknowledging the debt that had been settled and the new alliance formed. Hermione, on the other hand, was already thinking about how Daphne's unique perspective could contribute to the cause.

"You two ladies keep talking I got a bunch of kids to-"

As she turns around, she sees complete chaos.

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