Chapter #7

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--- Flashback---

The dimly lit room was shrouded in an air of secrecy, a refuge for those who sought protection from the impending darkness outside. Regulus Black, his features etched with a mixture of determination and concern, faced Isadora Jackson and Lily Potter.

Isadora, her hand gently cradling the small bump that held the promise of new life, exchanged a glance with Lily, her trusted friend and now chosen godmother of the unborn child.

Regulus took a deep breath, his voice steady but laced with urgency. "I need to ensure your safety and the safety of our child. The Dark Lord will not take kindly to my departure from the Death Eaters. We must protect you both."

Isadora nodded, her eyes reflecting both understanding and a touch of sadness. Lily, the epitome of strength and resilience, stepped forward. "Whatever it takes, Regulus. We're here for you and for Isadora."

Regulus pulled out a wand and conjured a silvery thread, a magical representation of the unbreakable bond they were about to form. He held the tip of the thread towards Isadora and Lily.

"Isadora Jackson, do you swear to keep the true paternity of your child a secret, revealing it only to those within our inner circle, and to never disclose this information to the child or anyone else beyond our trust?"

Isadora's gaze met Regulus's, and she replied solemnly, "I swear."

Regulus then turned to Lily. "Lily Potter, do you swear to keep the true paternity of Isadora's child a secret, revealing it only to those within our inner circle, and to never disclose this information to the child or anyone else beyond our trust?"

Lily's green eyes, filled with unwavering determination, locked onto Regulus's. "I swear."

With the vows made, Regulus carefully wove the silvery thread around their linked hands, sealing the Unbreakable Vow. A magical bond formed, a testament to the commitment they had made to protect the truth from the dangers that lurked in the shadows.

As the magical glow faded, the weight of their shared secret settled upon them. Regulus, Isadora, and Lily stood united, bound by an unbreakable promise that would shape the fate of the child and the path that lay ahead.

--- End of Flashback ---

The Quidditch World Cup unfolded before the group in a spectacular display of speed, skill, and magic—the roaring crowd, a sea of excited witches and wizards, added to the electrifying atmosphere.

Alexia, undoubtedly the most fervent Quidditch fan among them, couldn't contain her enthusiasm. As the players soared across the pitch, executing daring manoeuvres and chasing the Golden Snitch, she found herself caught up in the thrill of the game. Sitting beside her, Winky still covered her eyes, but the edge of fear had given way to a cautious curiosity.

"See, Winky? That's the Chaser, and their goal is to score by throwing the Quaffle through the hoops, I'm actually a Chaser myself, I play for the Gryffindor team, and so does my friend Harry." Alexia explained, gesturing animatedly. "And over there is the Seeker, always on the lookout for the Golden Snitch, the tiny, golden ball that ends the game."

Winky peeked through her fingers, tentatively taking in the spectacle with Alexia's gentle guidance. The magical world of Quidditch, though still daunting, seemed less frightening with Alexia's patient explanations.

Hermione, seated beside Alexia, found herself torn between watching the match and stealing glances at the passionate Gryffindor. Alexia's infectious excitement and the way she effortlessly connected with Winky didn't go unnoticed by Hermione. Each glimpse of Alexia's joy added to the fluttering sensation in Hermione's stomach.

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