Chapter #11

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Later that same day, Harry, Ron and Hermione are looking for Alexia to walk to the Great Hall together.

Harry, Ron, and Hermione continued searching for Alexia in the common room and around the castle. As they couldn't find her, Ron and Harry exchanged uneasy glances, suspecting that she might be spending time with Daphne. Their worries grew as they considered the recent interactions between Alexia and the Slytherin.

Harry whispers to Ron. "I'm sure Alexia has her reasons for whatever she's doing. Let's not jump to conclusions."

Despite Harry's reassurance, the tension lingered as they proceeded to the Great Hall without Alexia. The uncertainty of her whereabouts added an unexpected layer of unease to an already eventful day at Hogwarts.

They take a seat, watching all the students looking at the Goblet of Fire. Hermione glances around, looking for Alexia, Hermione's eyes catch Victor Kurm's, she smiles politely at him and he returns it, Hermione then feels her cheeks blush.

As Alexia and Daphne entered the Great Hall, all eyes turned toward them. Ron's gaze, in particular, caught Alexia's entrance, and he nudged Harry, subtly gesturing towards her. Both boys watched her approach, feeling a mix of curiosity and concern.

Hermione, who had momentarily locked eyes with Viktor Krum, was now shifting her attention towards Alexia. She noticed the unfamiliar companion by Alexia's side and couldn't help but feel a twinge of jealousy. Nevertheless, she quickly composed herself, reminding herself that Alexia was free to spend time with whomever she pleased.

Hermione watches as Alexia walks Daphne to her table and then makes her watch to the Gryffindor table, Alexia takes a seat next to Harry, she shoots a warm smile at her friends, seemingly unfazed by the attention. Hermione observed her closely, trying to discern any signs of awkwardness or discomfort, but Alexia's confident demeanour gave nothing away.

Harry, always a bit more laid-back in such situations, greeted Alexia with a nod, "Hey, Lex. Where were you?"

Alexia chuckled, "Oh, just catching up with Daphne. She had something interesting to share."

Ron, unable to hold back his curiosity, blurted out, "What's so interesting that you needed to catch up with her?"

Alexia leaned back in her chair, looking mischievous, "Well, stuff."

Hermione, still processing the unexpected turn of events, couldn't help but feel a bit left out of the loop. She decided to focus on the upcoming Triwizard Tournament, hoping it would distract her from the unexpected complexities of Alexia's social life.

The Great Hall buzzed with anticipation as Dumbledore approached the Goblet of Fire. He raised his wand, and with a flourish, he cast a spell to reveal the names of the chosen champions. The flames within the goblet flickered and danced, casting a spooky glow on Dumbledore's face.

Dumbledore's eyes twinkled as he read aloud the first name, "The Durmstrang champion is... Viktor Krum!"

The Durmstrang students erupted into cheers, proud of their champion. Viktor Krum stood up, a confident smile on his face, as he made his way to the front of the hall.

"And now, our second champion," Dumbledore continued, "Fleur Delacour!"

Beauxbatons students joined in the applause, and Fleur gracefully walked to join Viktor Krum.

As Dumbledore prepared to announce the third champion, tension filled the air. The students leaned forward, eager to hear the next name. The Goblet of Fire glowed once more, and Dumbledore proclaimed, "And final, the Hogwarts champion is... Cedric Diggory!"

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