Chapter #19

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In the cosy corner of the Gryffindor common room, Alexia and Hermione sat together, their fingers intertwined as they whispered softly to each other. Despite their newfound relationship, there was still a lingering sense of shyness and awkwardness between them, adding an endearing charm to their interactions.

With flushed cheeks and hesitant smiles, they navigated the uncharted territory of romance, exchanging glances filled with unspoken affection and nervous excitement. Every touch, however fleeting, sent a delightful shiver down their spines, igniting a spark of warmth that fluttered in their chests.

Once filled with scholarly debates and intellectual musings, their conversations now took on a slightly different tone, punctuated by shy giggles and stolen glances. They stumbled over their words at times, tripping over sentences as they searched for the right things to say, but their laughter filled the air with joy and comfort.

As they leaned closer, their shoulders brushing against each other, they revelled in the simple pleasure of being together, relishing in the sweetness of their budding romance. With each passing moment, they grew more comfortable in each other's presence, their love blossoming like the petals of a delicate flower, promising a future filled with warmth and affection.

Harry and Ron, the mischievous duo, couldn't resist the opportunity to tease their friends about their newfound romance. With knowing smirks and playful glances exchanged between them, they concocted elaborate schemes to catch Alexia and Hermione off guard, determined to bring a blush to their cheeks.

During study sessions in the common room, Harry and Ron would exchange knowing looks whenever Alexia and Hermione sat a little too close together, their heads bent over their books in an attempt to focus on their studies. With barely concealed grins, they would nudge each other and whisper exaggerated comments about the couple's budding relationship, eliciting embarrassed glances and shy smiles from Alexia and Hermione.

On their way to meals in the Great Hall, Harry and Ron would walk a few steps ahead, casting mischievous glances over their shoulders as they plotted their next move. They would playfully tease Alexia and Hermione about their constant hand-holding and whispered conversations, earning mock protests and playful swats in return.

Despite their teasing, Harry and Ron were genuinely happy for their friends and delighted to see Alexia and Hermione's relationship blossom. Their playful banter only served to strengthen the bond between them all, creating cherished memories that they would look back on with fondness for years to come.


The morning sunlight streamed through the windows of the Great Hall as Alexia sat beside Hermione, engrossed in writing a letter to her mom. Across from them, Harry and Ron were digging into their breakfast, chatting about Quidditch and upcoming classes.

Suddenly, Hermione's outraged gasp cut through the casual chatter, drawing the attention of her friends. Alexia looked up from her letter, concern furrowing her brow. "What's wrong, 'Mione?" she asked, her voice laced with worry.

Hermione shook her head, her eyes flashing with anger as she held up her copy of the Daily Prophet. "It's Rita Skeeter," she seethed, her voice tinged with frustration. "She's published another scandalous article, this time about Hagrid."

Harry and Ron exchanged puzzled glances, leaning in closer to hear Hermione's explanation. "What did she say this time?" Ron asked, his expression mirroring Hermione's indignation.

Hermione's lips pressed into a thin line as she recounted the contents of the article. "She's claiming that Hagrid is a giant, a very dangerous one!" she spat out, her voice edged with disbelief and anger. "It's utterly absurd and completely untrue!"

whispers (h.g x fem oc) book 2Where stories live. Discover now