Chapter #12

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In the Transfiguration classroom, Hermione and Harry exchanged concerned glances as they realized Alexia was missing. Hermione, being diligent as always, turned to Ron for any information about Alexia's whereabouts, momentarily forgetting the tension between them.

"Ron, do you know where Alex is?" Hermione asked, hoping for a helpful answer.

Ron's annoyance at the mere mention of Alexia's name was evident. He responded sarcastically, "Oh, she's probably off with her Slytherin girlfriend, isn't she? Showing her true colours."

Hermione's eyes widened in surprise, caught off guard by Ron's bitterness. She hesitated for a moment, not expecting such a response. Harry, sitting nearby, couldn't help but feel the tension in the air, sensing that Ron's comment might have escalated the existing conflict.

Hermione, though hurt by Ron's comment, chose to let it go for the moment. The Transfiguration class continued, but a sense of worry lingered in the air for both Harry and Hermione. They exchanged glances, silently questioning each other about Alexia's unexpected absence. The classroom atmosphere was tense, and the ongoing lesson became a backdrop to their concern for their missing friend. As the minutes ticked by, both Hermione and Harry couldn't shake off the feeling that something unusual was happening, and they anxiously awaited any sign of Alexia's return.


Alexia felt a mix of discomfort and frustration as she emerged from the Floo network at St. Mungo's Hospital. The attention directed towards her was overwhelming, with people whispering and staring as if she were a celebrity. The rumours about her being the holder of the ancient magic had spread quickly, of course, she thought, everybody reads the Daily Prophet.

Caught off guard, Alexia found herself in an impromptu photo session when a witch approached her, asking for a picture. Before she could decline, the witch hastily snapped a photograph, leaving Alexia feeling exposed and uneasy. The realization that her newfound status was attracting unwanted attention sunk in, and she hurriedly made her way through the hospital corridors, eager to find out more about her mother's condition. 

Amidst the clamour of people calling her name, Alexia's attention shifted to the familiar voice in her head. It whispered the exact room where her mother was being treated.

"Room 305, Alexia."

Startled, she mumbled to herself, "How do you know that?" The voice remained silent, leaving her to navigate the labyrinthine corridors of St. Mungo's, following the signs to Room 305. As she reached the door, her heart raced, and she hesitated for a moment before pushing it open.

Inside, Isadora held a tiny bundle in her arms, a newborn wrapped in a soft blanket. Alexia's eyes widened with pure joy as she rushed towards her mother and the newest addition to the family.

"Mom is that...?" Alexia's voice trailed off in awe.

Isadora beamed, nodding. "Meet your new brother, Alexia."

Overwhelmed with happiness, Alexia approached the bed, marvelling at the tiny, sleeping baby. As she exchanged glances with her mother, the worries and stresses of the outside world melted away, replaced by the warmth of family and the promise of new beginnings.

Isadora extended the bundle towards Alexia, a tender smile playing on her lips. "Go on, Alexia. Hold your little brother."

For a moment, Alexia hesitated, anxiety creeping into her expression. The responsibility of cradling the tiny life in her hands felt overwhelming. She wasn't sure if she was ready for this, but Isadora's encouraging gaze spurred her forward.

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