Chapter #10

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Ron and Harry stood outside the library, waiting for Hermione, who had disappeared inside to return some books. As they idly scanned the Hogwarts grounds, their attention was drawn to a scene not far away.

Alexia and Daphne Greengrass were engaged in a conversation, and it seemed quite animated from a distance. Alexia said something that made Daphne burst into laughter, the sound echoing across the hallway. The two girls seemed to be enjoying each other's company, and their laughter caught the attention of both Ron and Harry.

Ron furrowed his brow, watching the interaction. "What do you reckon they're talking about?" he asked Harry, a note of suspicion in his voice.

Harry shrugged, equally perplexed. "No idea, but it looks like they're having a good time."

Daphne's laughter continued, and Alexia joined in, her grin wide. The boys exchanged curious glances, wondering if there was something they were missing. As friends, they were accustomed to sharing secrets and jokes, but this interaction seemed different.

"I never thought I'd see the day when Alexia would be buddies with someone like Daphne," Ron muttered, crossing his arms.

"Yeah, it's a bit odd," Harry agreed, still trying to make sense of the situation.

As the girls continued their conversation, Ron and Harry remained puzzled. The animated exchange between Alexia and Daphne, accompanied by laughter, left them curious and intrigued.

Ron and Harry continued observing the curious scene unfolding between Alexia and Daphne. The confusion on their faces deepened as they exchanged thoughts about the unexpected dynamics at play.

"I thought Alexia liked Hermione," Ron remarked, scratching his head in bewilderment.

Harry nodded in agreement. "Yeah, me too. And now she's acting all chummy with Daphne. It's weird."

Their eyes widened as they saw Daphne touch Alexia's biceps, and the girls continued laughing. The shock on Ron and Harry's faces was palpable.

"Did you see that? Daphne just touched her arm," Ron exclaimed, his voice filled with disbelief.Harry squinted, trying to process the unexpected interaction. "What's going on? I thought they were just friends."

As the laughter between Alexia and Daphne echoed across the courtyard, the boys couldn't help but exchange puzzled glances. It seemed like the dynamics between their friend and the Slytherin were taking an unexpected turn. The flirtatious look on Alexia's face added a layer of complexity to the situation, leaving Ron and Harry even more baffled.

"I don't get it," Ron muttered, still staring at the duo.

Harry shook his head, equally perplexed. "Me neither."

As Hermione approached, Ron and Harry exchanged a quick, nervous glance. It was clear that they needed to prevent her from witnessing the unexpected rendezvous between Alexia and Daphne. Thinking on their feet, Ron concocted an impulsive excuse.

"Oi, Hermione! There's, uh, a library emergency. We forgot to return a book, and the librarian's on the warpath!" Ron exclaimed, waving his hands frantically to emphasize the urgency.

Harry chimed in, his tone serious. "Yeah, Hermione, you better head back. We'll catch up with you later."

Hermione furrowed her brow, looking puzzled. "A library emergency? Really?"

Ron nodded vigorously. "Absolutely. It's a crisis. Go, go! We'll handle it."

With a bemused expression, Hermione turned on her heels and headed back towards the library, muttering about the peculiar nature of their so-called emergencies. As soon as she was out of earshot, Ron and Harry let out a collective sigh of relief.

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