Chapter #5

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The morning sun bathed the Jackson residence in a warm glow as Harry, Hermione, and Alexia gathered in the living room. The air buzzed with excitement, anticipation for the day ahead palpable in the room. Isadora, wearing a knowing smile, joined them, her eyes sparkling with the shared enthusiasm. "I hope you're all ready for an unforgettable day at the Burrow and the Quidditch World Cup final."

Alexia grinned, her excitement contagious. "Absolutely, Mum. This is going to be epic."

Hermione, her eyes gleaming with anticipation, added, "I can't wait to see the Burrow. I've heard so much about it."

Isadora chuckled. "You're in for a treat. The Weasleys have a way of making everyone feel at home."

As they prepared to leave, the sound of footsteps echoed in the hallway. Adrian Hawthorn, now a familiar figure in the Jackson residence, entered the room. His demeanour had shifted over the summer, and a newfound ease surrounded him.

"Good morning, everyone," Adrian greeted warmly, a genuine smile on his face. "I hope you have a fantastic day at the Burrow and the World Cup. Take care, and enjoy yourselves."

Alexia, still adjusting to the change in Adrian's demeanour, nodded appreciatively. "Thanks, Adrian. I will."

Hedwig soared through the open window, hooting to get their attention. Harry took the letter from her beak, recognizing Ron's handwriting. The letter, succinct and to the point, conveyed Ron's excitement and readiness for the Quidditch World Cup.

"Looks like everything's set at the Burrow," Harry remarked, sharing the contents of the letter with the others.  Isadora approached Alexia, a warm smile on her face. The anticipation of the day's events mingled with a touch of maternal affection.

"Alexia," Isadora began, placing a gentle hand on her daughter's shoulder, "the next time we see each other, there'll be a new member of the family with us."

Alexia's eyes widened with a mix of excitement and nervousness. The prospect of becoming an older sister brought a wave of emotions, and she looked at her mother with a combination of wonder and anticipation.

Isadora, her gaze filled with maternal warmth. "Yes, darling. It's going to be an exciting time for all of us. You'll be a wonderful older sister."

Alexia beamed at the prospect, her mind already racing with thoughts of what it would be like to have a new family member. "I can't wait! But... what if they don't like Quidditch?"

Isadora laughed, the melodious sound filling the room. "Well, we'll cross that broomstick when we get there. I'm sure they'll have their own magical interests, just like you do."

With a final embrace, Alexia joined the others by the entrance, ready to embark on the adventure that awaited them at the Burrow and the Quidditch World Cup. The combination of the magical event and the imminent arrival of a new family member created an atmosphere of joy and anticipation.

The vibrant hues of the morning sky painted the path ahead as Harry, Hermione, and Alexia strolled through the quaint village of Avalon's End. The excitement of the day ahead danced in the air, and the trio's footsteps echoed against the cobblestone streets.

As they neared the Floo Powder station, Alexia turned to her friends, a thoughtful expression on her face. "You know, something's different about Adrian this summer. He's changed."

Harry, his curiosity piqued, inquired, "Changed? In what way?"

Alexia took a moment to articulate her observations. "Well, he used to be reserved, almost distant. But over the summer, he's been more open, friendly even. Mum says it's because he's excited about the baby, but I think there's more to it. He genuinely seems like a nice guy now."

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