Chapter #26

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As they watched Alexia disappear into the castle, Hermione couldn't shake the worry that gnawed at her heart. She wished her girlfriend would confide in them more, share the burdens that weighed on her mind. With a heavy sigh, she voiced her concerns to Ron and Harry, feeling a pang of guilt for not being able to help Alexia more.

"I just wish she'd let us in, you know?" Hermione murmured, her brow furrowed with worry. "She's always shouldering everything herself, and it's not fair. We're her friends, we should be there for her."

Ron nodded in agreement, his expression mirroring Hermione's concern. "Yeah, it's like she's always trying to protect us from whatever she's dealing with. But we can handle it, can't we?" he said, glancing at Harry for confirmation.

Harry's gaze was thoughtful as he considered their friend's plight. "I think she just needs to know we're here for her, no matter what," he said quietly. "We'll figure it out together like we always do."

As Alexia rushed back to the castle, her mind buzzing with excitement, she couldn't help but smile at the thought of the adventure ahead. She knew exactly where to find the portrait that held the key to unravelling the mystery of the Map Chamber.

Alexia stood before the majestic Griffin statue, a sense of familiarity washing over her as the stone creature recognized her presence and granted her passage without needing a password. With a grateful smile, she stepped through the concealed entrance and went to the Headmaster's office.

Upon reaching the intricately carved door, Alexia raised her hand and knocked gently, the sound echoing softly in the corridor. Moments later, the door swung open, revealing the warm, welcoming interior of Dumbledore's office. The elderly wizard looked up from his desk, his eyes twinkling with curiosity as Alexia entered.

"Ah, Miss Jackson, what brings you here today?" Dumbledore inquired, his voice gentle yet inquisitive.

Alexia took a deep breath, gathering her thoughts before speaking. "Hello Professor Dumbledore, I need to speak with Vala," she said earnestly, her gaze meeting Dumbledore's with determination.

Dumbledore regarded her thoughtfully for a moment before nodding in understanding. "Of course, my dear. I will arrange for Vala to join us momentarily," he replied, a hint of intrigue in his tone.

As Dumbledore communicated with the portrait, Alexia observed with anticipation, her heart pounding with a mix of anxiety and hope. Soon, the portrait departed, only to return moments later accompanied by Vala, the enigmatic wielder of the Ancient Magic.

Vala's portrait bore a striking resemblance to Alexia, their features mirroring each other in a hauntingly familiar way. It was said that upon her passing, Vala had been granted one final wish: to be remembered for eternity. And so, her likeness endured through the ages, preserved within the confines of her portrait.

"Vala, my dear, we have a visitor," Dumbledore announced warmly, gesturing towards Alexia.

Vala's painted eyes fixed upon Alexia, a glimmer of recognition and wisdom gleaming within them. Despite the passage of centuries, there was a sense of kinship between the two, as if a thread of destiny bound them together across time.

"Ah, another bearer of the Ancient Magic graces our presence," Vala remarked, her voice carrying a weight of ancient knowledge and understanding. "What troubles your heart, child?"

Alexia took a deep breath, gathering her courage as she prepared to share her innermost thoughts and fears with Vala. She knew that the portrait held wisdom beyond measure, and she hoped that Vala could offer guidance in her time of need.

As Alexia poured out her concerns to Vala, the ancient portrait listened intently, her eyes reflecting both sympathy and understanding. Alexia recounted her discovery of the Chamber of Maps and her burning desire to uncover its secrets, hoping that Vala would offer her insight and guidance.

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