Chapter #15

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It was late at night and the Gryffindor Common Room had only two occupants, Harry and Alexia, who were both waiting for Sirius as he stated in his letter he would be speaking to them at midnight. Alexia decided to share the details of her eventful night with Harry. The dim light cast flickering shadows on the walls as they sat in anticipation of Sirius's arrival.

"So, detention," Alexia began, her tone mixed with amusement and exasperation. "Professor McGonagall thought it would be a good idea for me to teach a bunch of first-years how to fly. Detention in the Quidditch pitch, can you believe that?"

Harry smirked, knowing that Alexia's relationship with authority figures tended to involve unexpected twists. "Classic McGonagall move. What happened then?"

Alexia chuckled. "Well, the kids were a bit terrified, as expected. One girl accidentally took off on her broom, and I had to jump to pull her back down. It was like trying to control a bunch of baby Blast-Ended Skrewts on broomsticks."

Harry laughed, picturing the chaotic scene. "Sounds eventful. What about Hermione? How did you end up kissing in the hospital wing?"

A soft smile played on Alexia's lips. "Well, I got hit with a broom so I bled, Hermione took me to the hospital wing, we talked for a little, apologized and well... You saw AND interrupted us."

A genuine smile spread across Harry's face. "So... Is it official now? I'm so happy I caught you, otherwise I doubt you would have told me."

With a fake indignated expression Alexia replies, "Of course I would have told you! I-"

Before Alexia could continue, the fire cracked and to Harry and Alexia's surprise, Sirius's face appeared between the flames. "Did I interrupt a heartfelt conversation, or can I join the party?"

Sirius' face flickered in the fireplace, his eyes reflecting the dancing flames, he warned them he didn't have too much time, so Harry wasted no time, getting straight to the point.

"I didn't put my name in the Goblet of Fire," Harry asserted, his tone firm and determined.

Sirius's eyes scrutinized Harry through the flames, his expression thoughtful. "I believe you, Harry. I know you wouldn't risk your life like that. But we need to figure out who did. Any suspicions?"

Harry glanced at Alexia, who was listening intently. "No idea, Sirius. It could be anyone wanting to see me in the tournament. Maybe someone who doesn't like me, or maybe someone who wants me out of the way."

Sirius nodded, understanding the gravity of the situation. "We'll get to the bottom of this. Dumbledore's investigating. For now, stay vigilant and focus on the tasks. I'll keep you updated if anything comes up."

Harry nodded, feeling a bit reassured by Sirius's words. "Thanks, Sirius."

Sirius fixed his gaze on Alexia, his expression stern. "Now, Alexia, let's talk about your little escapades. The Daily Prophet seems to have a fascination with you lately."

Alexia shifted uncomfortably, her eyes meeting Sirius's serious stare. "I didn't mean for that information to get out, Uncle Sirius. It just happened."

Sirius raised an eyebrow. "You need to be more cautious. The wizarding world can be ruthless, especially with something as rare and powerful as the Ancient Magic. And this incident with that Daphne girl, what happened there?"

Alexia sighed, running a hand through her hair. "It's not what it seems. We were alone, and I have no idea how the Prophet got that story. Daphne's just as confused as I am."

Sirius leaned back, crossing his arms. "Just be careful, Alexia. The spotlight can be blinding, and the last thing we need is unnecessary attention. Keep your guard up, and remember, your actions have consequences, not just for you but for everyone involved."

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