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HAVE YOU EVER FELT like no matter what you do, there would always be that one person who would kill for you. You could do the worst thing imaginable and they would be on your side.

That type of connection is very rare in a world so very cruel like this one. But, luckily, Leah was given one. And this one person was JJ Maybank.

Leah and JJ had been friends since they were eight years old ever since JJ tried to steal her Halloween candy and Leah kicked him in the balls.

John B mentioned nobody had ever stood up to JJ as a child because they were simply terrified of the blonde boy. Whenever he was in sight people would piss their pants while adults hide their children behind them as if he was some threat because of his father.

But Leah on the other hand, never judged him for his father's awful behavior. It wasn't his fault he had a shitty dad. I mean, she's dealt with her own shitty father.

Rick Reid. Rick Reid and Emily Raven were highschool sweethearts. They won prom, they'd make out against lockers, everyone loved them. Except for every boy who liked Emily since Emily grew up as one of the popular girls who everyone loved.

Rick on the other hand was a "bad influence" according to John Raven, Emily's dad, Leah's grandpa. Rick was an alcoholic, once Emily got pregnant with Leah, Rick began beating her.

Emily, who was pregnant, with no family nor money, felt forced to stay with the man, especially since they had already gotten married. Life was complicated back then for Emily.

Once Leah was born, Rick was the best father yet the worst husband. To Leah, he wad two faced.

He'd play with his daughter, and beat his wife. Eventually, Emily grew tired, physically and mentally. She filed for abuse, ordered rights for Leah, and ordered a protection order. She left the state and went to her parents in Colorado.

Leah doesn't really remember her grandparents. She remembers her grandma teaching her how to dance, draw between the lines, tie her shoes, ect. She remembers her grandpa always being upset with the situation. Always yapping, "I told you that you should've gotten with that dead-beat father. Now look what happened"

So technically, according to the papers, Rick had no legal rights over her. He was sent to jail for a bit, but once he was released he did drugs and made it his life mission to get his daughter back and get Emily back for what she did.

So, he went to Colorado and began following Leah to and back from school, calling and threatening Emily. Leah remembers Rick threatening to light the house on fire, knowing Leah was inside, frightened.

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