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days since the event with Oliver had happened. Oliver had been trying to call the girl over and over again, texting. And it wasn't the typical, "I'm sorry I messed up" you would normally receive from boys to try and bring you back. It was death threats.

He threatened to light her house on fire, kidnapp Kailey, beat up JJ, murder JJ, murder her, murder her mom. Oliver was furious, angry. Leah didn't tell anybody about the death threats, but she saved all of the texts Incase the situation moved forward and if she needed evidence.

She learned that from her mother back when she was dating Rick. Or...running from him to be more specific. Without realizing it, Emily had taught her more things about self defense and police than anyone else in her life.

Over the past three days, all her friends found out what happened between Oliver and Leah. They didn't get details. But they know something involving assault happened. Everyone was concerned. Which only made everything worse because she didn't want people to be concerned about her.

It made her feel guilty.
Like she needed to convince them she was okay. Prove it.

JJ and Leah went surfing like the teen boy promised. The girls bruises were faded by then.

They were stuck waiting for the correct day, and today was that day.

They all sat out on Kiara's dads boat that they stole because the HMS would not survive in the massive waves, rain fall, and thunder.

Kiara was in charge of the drone, JJ was in charge of the boat, John B was in charge of the map, and Pope was in charge of the drone camera. Leah didn't really know her place in this but she helped out Kiara a bit.

John B was giving JJ coordinates while Kiara was bringing the drone down to 900 feet. Then 1000.

Then, they found it. They all eyed the camera with hopeful eyes. Would this be the moment? Would they finally not have to worry financially? Would Kailey have a normal childhood? Could Leah afford to take care of her now? And maybe she could afford to get a lawyer to help her get away from Oliver.

Maybe this was the moment where they would not have to suffer anymore. JJ wouldn't have to eat moldy food when he got so desperate, John B would be able to pay his bills, Pope would be able to impress his family and buy his old man a house. That's all they've ever wanted.

They wanted to be treated as people. They didn't want to suffer anymore. They didn't want to be stuck eating expired food and living off scraps. They didn't want people to clutch their purses when they walked pass them. They wanted to be together as a family, taking care of each other, helping each other, finally being able to do something with their lives.

But right as they saw the fallen ship, The Royal Merchant, suddenly all hope left as there was no gold.

The hope got snatched away.

John B sighed. "It's not there. Look...just-just pull the drone up"

Thunder rumbled as Leah ran her fingers through her hair. Pouges always get screwed in the end, don't they? Just left in the dust. Forgotten. Then when they die they just rot in the ground as everyone lives on.


"Look, we can do another pass. Recharge the battery" Pope offered. Pope always believed in hope. He always believed that this all was just a bump in the road and they would all end up happy. He always had hope. He never gave up.

Unlike Leah. "It's over Pope! It's not there! We're screwed again. Like always" Leah exclaimed before exhaling and grabbing the back of her neck with her hands.

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