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HAVING ANNA CARREA watching Leah pee wasn't an experience Leah was expecting. But of course, being a pouge and taking a drug test, the Carrera's could only assume the worst. Like using someone else's pee or cheating the test somehow.

But Leah knew she didn't have anything in her system. Weed? Probably since she's recently smoked with JJ but weed wasn't illegal. So technically she could still get the job.

Leah stared at the woman. "Do you really have to watch?" Leah asked, begging this awkward situation would be different.

"I don't like this either" Anna said with zero hesitation, her arms crossed as Leah held the cup in her hand.

Leah sighed, pulling her pants down and sitting on the toilet, feeling very self-centered as she forced urine out. Luckily, Kiara got her a Gatorade before. She's never chugged a drink that fast till that day.

You'd think peeing in a cup would be easy, at least that's what Leah thought but constantly peeing on her hand proved otherwise. She hoped she didn't have to do this again. "Damnit" She muttered under her breath.

She ripped two squares off the toilet paper and wiped. "Hmm, soft" Leah said as Anna made an awkward smile.

"Charmin" Anna said with a slight nod.

Leah nodded as she sat up, pulling her pants up, wiping the urine off her hand as she flushed the toilet paper, handing the woman the cup full of whitish, yellow urine. "Here's my pee" She said proudly as she turned on the sink, putting a pump of soap into her hands and began scrubbing.

Anna nodded, clearly awkward by the situation. She walked out as Leah washed her hands under the cold water.

Leah turned the light off and walked out of the door. She walked into the living room, her feet touching the comfy carpet the Carrea family chose for their home. Unlike her mother who chose the cheapest carpet imaginable.

Once Leah walked into the living room she saw Kiara and Kailey. She saw Kailey smiling as they played with Barbies. For the first time in awhile, Leah saw Kailey smile. A real smile. Not her smiles where it didn't show her teeth and only her lips. It was the type of smile that wasn't forced. That showed her white teeth.

And for the first time in awhile, Leah felt some sadness and happiness enter her emotions as she looked down. She never really thought about how their home life affected Kailey. But seeing her acting like an actual eight year old instead of a fourteen year old. Leah realized how much her parents put an affect on her.

But even with all the sadness she felt happy. Knowing that she was happy now. Instead of forcing smiles just to make the hole in Leah's heart blocked. Kailey only smiled to please Leah, so she wouldn't feel guilty for her sadness. But now, it wasn't fake, it wasn't for anyone but her.

Kiara looked up at the girl. "I found the Barbies in the basement. I noticed Kailey only had three Barbies... and one doesn't have a head so I thought I'd add her collection" Kiara said with a smile as Kailey turned to Leah, smiling, a real smile.

"It's okay. Took the drug test." Leah said as Kailey's eyebrows furrowed.

"What's a drug test?" She asked.

"It's something people do to see if they have anything in their system. Like drugs, alcohol, or pot. Apparently when getting a job it's implied" Leah said as she sat on Kiaras sofa that was so comfy even the teen girl was shocked.

Kailey nodded awkwardly. "Wanna play Barbies with us?"

"Sure" Leah said as she went to her knees. "Okay I'll play..." Leah paused as she picked up a brunette haired Barbie.

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