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LEAH STARTED TO consider if she was an idiot. She started to rethink back. She started thinking about her mom and her last name being Raven. She didn't understand how that name was such a bad thing. But apparently back in highschool, it was talked bad alot.

She started thinking about her father and her past. She would remember going to bed and hearing faint arguing or whenever she'd see a small bruise on her mom. How could she be so blind?

She started thinking about her stepdad, Kailey's father. How he was sick and just like Rick.

She started thinking about JJ. She started thinking about all their memories together. The good ones, the especially good ones, and the awful ones. Her and JJ used to be friends, they used to be each others partner in crime. She wishes when there was noting in between them.

JJ had promised her that no matter the person she'd become, he'd always be there for her. And he hadn't broken that promise. Despite Leah hating JJ's guts, he still helped her when she was beat up, he still asked if she was okay.

Leah was starting to wonder if that promise should work both ways.

She was sitting on the beach, her bruises were better. They were still noticeable but she wasn't wearing a bikini either.

The blonde girl had her hair curled as she wore ripped jeans and a pink crop top. Leah was watching the waves hit each other as the sun baked the people sitting on the sand.

She heard footsteps approaching her in the sand. He sat down next to her and gave her a small smile.

She turned to meet his brown eyes. Oliver looked down. "I'm sorry for my mother. But I don't care what she thinks. I love you." He breathed out.

Leah looked back to the ocean. "I don't know how to love anymore. I thought I loved you. But now I'm starting to wonder. What is love?"

"Love is when you want to spend the rest of your life with them. Where you'd take a bullet for them. Where they cloud your mind so badly where you can't think of anything else. you love me the same way I love you?" Oliver asked the girl as she looked out into the sea.

Love was strong. Love was a wall you couldn't break. Love was where you only imagined your life with them. Leah started wondering about her future. Did she see her life with Oliver?

"Oliver, I don't know what love is. At all. And even though you explained it to me, I still don't understand. And I don't want to hurt you. I just..I don't think we should be in a relationship until I figure out what I want" Leah told him honestly, her heart pounding against her chest, waiting for his reply.

"I don't care if you hurt me. That's how deeply in love I am with you. I'm willing to help you figure out who you love, even if It's not me. Are you willing to go down that road with me?" Oliver asked her, looking into her blue eyes.

She smiled slightly. "Yes" Oliver chuckled as he wrapped his arm around her.

Leah heard more footsteps and turned around to see the curly haired white boy. His blue eyes met hers as he helped his freshly waxed surfboard. He was shirtless, his chain dangling from his neck as his jaw clenched. He nodded in annoyance and walked away.

The girl turned back. "You alright?" Oliver asked as the girl nodded.

She didn't know how to feel anymore. She didn't know if she loved Oliver or JJ. She felt a deep connection for both of them. The guilt was eating her alive, like she was dead and the animals were eating her. She didn't know how to save it. She didn't know how to come back and dodge the bullet. She didn't know who to choose.

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