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THE HURRICANE HAD everyone spending days trying to fix the damage. The hurricane was so bad it had turned the power off on the entire island.

But it wasn't bad for the Kooks, Including the Carrera's. It took about two hours before the power was turned back on thanks to the generators they had, just in case.

Kiara and Leah were getting ready to hang out with the boys when Kailey approached the two. "Why can't I come? I'm always here, every stupid day! I hate it"

"I know you do. But we're gonna do teenage stuff, stuff you can't be around for. Maybe you could ask Anna to take you to the park, meet some new friends?" Leah asked the girl with a slight smile on her lips.

Kailey sighed. "Fine" She agreed before running off to find Anna.

Leah was waiting for Kiara to return as she placed ice in the ice cooler. Kiara came back from the garage, placing multiple beers in with the ice.

"Isn't your dad gonna notice almost all of his beers missing?" Leah asked the girl who shrugged.

"Can't blame me without evidence" Kiara said. "Also," She started, turning to Leah. "Remind me to buy ear muffs the next time we have a sleepover"


"You snore"

Leah made an offensive expression as she shook her head. "Nu-uh" She wrapped her arms together, shaking her head.

Kiara sighed. "Don't act like your sister now" Kiara practically begged. "And yes, you do"

"Everyone snores!" Leah defended herself.

"Yeah but you snore loud. Almost couldn't sleep last night" Kiara argued with the girl, putting more ice ontop of the beers to keep them nice and cool.

"Your being dramatic" Leah told her.

Kiara gave her a really look before looking out her window. "Boys are here" Kiara said as Leah held the ice cooler and they both went out on the dock.

"Hey boys" Leah said with a smile.

"What you got there?" John B asked the two.

"Oh you know, some carrot sticks, yogurts, juice boxes" Kiara explained to them.

"How about my kind of juice boxes?" JJ asked with a slight smirk as he held his hand out for Leah to take.

Leah took it, her hand warm despite the spots JJ's rings were, a nice cool from them. She smiled. "Yeah" Leah said, now on the boat as she placed the ice cooler on the floor of the boat, cracking her knuckles.

JJ then held his hand out for Kiara, Kiara taking it. For some reason, Leah didn't like that. This may sound silly but she felt special when JJ offered her his hand, but that special feeling went away when he did the exact same thing with Kiara.

She may be sensitive, but that ruined her mood. She grabbed one of the beers out of the ice cooler, popping it open and bringing it to her lips, just wanting to put that whole thing in the past.

Kiara handed a beer to each one of the boys but Pope because he was driving the boat and didn't want one.

It was a normal summer day in the OBX, the sun was shining bright and the boat was filled with laughs, laughing about stupid things that didn't matter. But they didn't care, they just cared that they weren't alone.

Leah didn't talk to JJ. She was being dramatic, she knew it. But Kiara was right, she had liked JJ. And she felt foolish and stupid for thinking a guy like JJ would like a girl like her. JJ had girls coming to him left and right, why would he choose her? And especially when Kiara was right there.

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