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LEAH BARDGED INTO Kiara's bedroom. Kiara stood up, her eyebrows furrowed. "Why are Kooks such dicks?" Leah asked, closing the door behind her and face planting on Kiara's bed, hiding her face with the nearest pillow that laid on the young girls bed.

"I don't know. What happened?" Kiara asked, sitting beside the girl.

Leah showed her face, sitting up, leaning her back against the bedframe as she placed the pillow on her lap. "I'm working for Kelce's family. As a maid. To clean up their home, okay?"


"And Kelce keeps trying to get with me. Purposely taking his shirt off, hitting on me. And I just fucking hate him!" Leah said as she brought her hand into a fist, hitting the pillow as a way to release her anger that clouded her mind.

Kiara smiled sadly. "Well, if you want out, you can work at the Wreck. We are understaffed so it'd be perfect"

Leah sighed. "Really? Do you think your dad would like that? He doesn't really like me"

"I'll force him. You are capable of working and you want to work." Kiara said, rubbing her upper arm back at forth as a way to relax the young girl who was clearly stressed.

Leah inhaled deeply. "Come one, follow me" Kiara spoke as she stood up from her bed, grabbing Leah's wrist, forcing the girl to get up.

Kiara and Leah walked down the stairs of Kiara's home faster than they ever have before. Kiara lead the girl into the kitchen.

Her mother, Anna Carrera was putting milk back in the kitchen before turning to the two young teenagers in front of them.

"Hello girls, what do I owe the pleasure?" Anna asked, a smile on her lips.

"Where's dad?" Kiara asked.

"In the garage" Anna said as Kiara and Leah ran to the door that lead to the garage.

Kiara opened the door and saw Mike Carrera working on his vehicle. "Hey dad"

"Hey sweetie" Mike said as he turned to Leah. "Leah"

"Hi Mr. Carrera" Leah said with a plastered on smile, her heart secretly racing as her palms began to sweat.

Kiara had a smile on her face as she turned to her father, her body pulsing with confidence. "Dad, Leah was wondering, since we're understaffed...if she could work at the Wreck?"

Mike sighed, touching the bridge of his nose, clearly not liking this idea. "Mr. Carrera, I want you to know that I am an incredible good worker and that I won't miss any shifts." Leah spoke, her voice sounding loud and brave even though she was dying deep on the inside.

Mike glared at the girl. "Okay, just because you are my daughters best friend I will not go easy on you. You will have a normal wage and a normal shift. I only have one question"

"Okay, anything"

"Are you under the influence of alcohol, drugs, or marijuana?" Mike asked as Kiara's eyes widened.


"What? It's a reasonable question!" Mike snapped back.

Leah shook her head. "No, sir" Mike's eyes narrowed at the girl.

"I'll need to do a drug test. Just incase! I've done it on all my workers, it'll be easy, unless I find something." Mike said as Leah nodded.

Leah smiled. "Okay. I understand. You won't find a thing" Leah said with a big smile, confident.

"Alright, now go, I need to work" Mike said as Kiara and Leah nodded, leaving the room.

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