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THE NEXT MORNING, Leah woke up in the Château, since she chose to sleep there that night. She was currently in the guest bedroom that was practically JJ's room since he slept in here almost every night.

She yawned and stood up from the bed, stretching. Leah went to look for the pouges but the entire house was empty. She checked the time and it was 1PM. Why'd they let her sleep in so late? And where were they?

The girl left the Château and looked around the yard when she saw JJ and Pope sitting on the deck when relief hit her faster than a wave while surfing as she began walking onto the deck bare foot.

The sun was shining bright, which released a type of heat that made Leah want to jump into the water.

"Morning, sunshine" JJ said with a bright smile as his eyes lit up at the sight of the blonde teen girl.

"Why'd you guys let me sleep in so late?" Leah asked the two boys.

Pope was gonna answer, the hard truthful answer, but JJ cut him off. "Well, it's summertime. We only get two months off school before we gotta wake up at 6AM again like a rooster. Thought you should enjoy that time because school starts in about a month" JJ lied through his teeth.


Leah had almost collapsed from exhaustion when the pouges and her walked through the Château door at around 12AM.

"We are gonna try out the drone tomorrow" John B told everyone as he set it down on the floor by the door. "Just go to bed. Leah, are you sleeping here or Kiara's nice ass house?"

Leah fell onto the couch. "Here. I'm too exhausted to go there"

"Do you want me to text my mom so she can tell Kailey? Kailey has been getting worried more often lately about you" Kiara asked, holding her phone in her hand.

By the time Kiara was done answering her question, Leah's eyes were already closed as her face relaxed, she let a small nod before sleep took over.

"I'm stuffed from that meal" Pope spoke as Kiara texted her mom.

JJ glanced over to Leah, seeing her neck in a bad position. JJ stood up and leaned over Leah, putting his hand under her neck and his other hand under her legs, picking her up from the couch.

"What are you doing?" Pope asked in confusion as he got no answer.

JJ lead Leah into his room as her head was tucked into his neck, her breathing slower than it usually was as her face was relaxed, her lips parted slightly.

The boy set her down on the bed, pulling the blankets underneath her and put them over her body as her head rested on the fluffed up pillow.

JJ smiled slightly at her as he brushed the baby hairs out of her face and kissed her temple before leaving the room.

When he left the room he saw all the pouges staring at him with a grin. He rolled his eyes. "Shut up" He warned.

"When can I attend the wedding?" Kiara asked in a jokingly manner as she threw herself onto the sofa.

"Never. She doesn't even like me" JJ said as Kiara snickered. "What?" He snapped.

"Nothing! Did I say something?" Kiara asked.

" laughed" John B answered.

"Look, I'm just stating a fact. You and Leah have been in love with each other since truth or dare when we fourteen and don't even try and fucking deny it"

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