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AT AROUND 11 IN THE morning, Leah went over to the Château and went to check on John B. After listening to the tape with Kiara, she couldn't imagine how the teen boy felt, knowing for certain that his father was dead. This whole summer he was stuck in denial, thinking there might be a small chance he was still alive. But now, that small chance was gone.

Leah went into his bedroom and saw John B lying on his stomach in his bed, the lights off since there was no electricity from the hurricane. "John"

"Leave me alone. I just want to lie here and sleep" He told her.


"Leah," He warned.

Leah sighed and left the room. JJ was sitting on the couch. "Hey, wanna blunt?" He asked the girl.

Leah shook her head before going outside and lying on the hammock, staring into the sea.

Ever since last night, speaking of her father, she couldn't get him off her mind. And it drove her insane. She grew up being a daddy's girl. And, she'd never say this out loud, but it was easier for your father to die than to leave. Because nobody chooses to die. But they can choose to leave your life completely. And when they choose that, it hurts more because they chose it. They thought about leaving you and did it with zero hesitation, no regrets.

Sometimes Leah wished Rick died instead. Then it wouldn't have hurt as much. Then she wouldn't have to think about how he chose to leave her. At least if he were dead he wouldn't have chosen to leave her.

"Hey, you good?" A voice came and Leah turned to see JJ, looking down at her with concern.

"Mhm" She hummed. John B was the one who was struggling. She needed to quit making it about her.
"I just want to go on a boat ride and completely forget about everything"

"I'll get John B" JJ said with a grin.

After everyone was on the boat, everyone seemed so much happier. John B still was quiet, which so was Leah, but at least she tried to plaster on a smile.

Leah had finally taken the blunt from JJ. She exhaled the smoke as a boat came toward them. JJ, who was shirtless stared at the boat before turning towards them, "You guys see that? That's the Malibu 24-MXZ, the world's finest wakesetter." JJ explained.
"Number one in luxury, quality, and performance. 200K, easy"

"We picked the wrong parents" Pope spoke, staring at the boat.

Leah sighed when she realized who it was. "Hate to break it to guys but that's Topper and his girlfriend" She breathed out as Kiara groaned.

Topper and Sarah were standing on the boat, Sarah in a one-peice swimsuit, Topper'd arm wrapped around hers as they both wore sunglasses. Sarah took off her sunglasses as they drove by.

"You don't have to act like you don't see us, bitch" Kiara said, knowing Sarah could hear them.

Leah groaned. "Annoying ass rich bitch" She inhaled the smoke from the blunt.

"Damn, What'd she do to you?" JJ asked.

"Exist" Leah answered. Leah and Kiara didn't really like to talk about what happened with Sarah Cameron, especially Leah.

Leah exhaled the smoke as JJ inhaled it. She handed the blunt to JJ. "I don't want to talk about Sarah Cameron"

"Alright then" JJ said as he brought the blunt to his pink lips, inhaling for a moment before holding it in his mouth for a moment then exhaling it into the air.

✿ ʚෆ﹕ ﹕๑⁺⨯:

"Alright, let's keep a look out" JJ spoke as John B parked the twinkie. "We're behind enemy lines" JJ said as he pulled out his gun, loading it.

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